Broken Arrow

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Broken arrow

Souring through the sky,
Slicing the dense air,
The carving on her is splendid,
Ideally scorched,
With scars scattered beautifully along her,
The deep gashes on the weapon makes it looks deathly,
Stunningly deathly,
Representing austerity, pain amd suffering,
As well as strength, independence and determination,
The sharp point glistens under the ray of the blood red sun,
It glares as it flies towards the reason for her rage,
The tip of the arrow hits her target!
Glee is what she expected,
Yet did not receive,
The tip to the base leisurely begins to shred,
Then it split in pieces with a final crack!
As the injured one tore it out of his flesh,
And shred the arrow to tiny pieces and glance as she falls,
Walking away while apart is stuck within,
Nature gradually put the severed arrow together,
The gashes are more prominent,
The other part of her will never be mended,
For it remains in his chest deep,
How can she mend if the most important part...
Is far from reach?
Yet that doesn't mean she won't continue to fight,
The arrow will regrow eventually if only she allows herself to,
And not holding on...
To the feel of his flesh still clenching around her severed part,
One day she hopes her missing piece,
Will find her once upon a time.


Do tell me what you think of my poem and I take requests(because I love challenges) but it will still be my poem ofcoz.

Thanks to those who voted and commented :)

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xoxox Mystery

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