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Evil laughs echoed,
Their laughter directed on her pain,
Cruel and viscous people they are,
Each taking turns to make her suffer,
In their own sick twisted ways,
She would fight and cry each time,
Yes, it was even more painful when she resist,
But by not fighting would make her weaker than she already felt,
They languished her,
Their betrayal made her heart ache,
She was confused as to why she received this punitive from them,
Never was she rude,raised her voice or even cussed before,
Yet she was treated this way,
It was not the physical pain nor the verbal abuse that ate away her long gone loving soul,
These people were her blood for crying out loud,
For years this continued on till they grew fatigue.

The smell of dirt attacked her senses,
Her eyes still closed from tiredness,
Up she stood but knocked her head,
Finally she revealed her ocean blue eyes that shot up in panick when she saw her situation,
She was stuffed in a closed space,
Her grave...
Memories of the last thing she recalled was,
Of her mother slyly and skillfully sliding a dagger through her heart,
Rage and fury erupted from her core,
In an abyss of anger she clawed her way up,
Ripping wood planks out of the way even as her hands were bleeding furiously,
Dirt stained on her already filthy habiliment and visage,
Swarthy dense fog cascaded around her and over the mysterious grave yard,
But she had no care for that,
Her blood red eyes shimmered in the moonlight,
Her pale skin lusciously delicate to the touch,
Some way,somehow she was alive,
And damn she is going to take this chance to get what she wants most,

I apologise for any spelling mishaps :)

Do tell me what you think of my poem and I take requests(because I love challenges) but it will still be my poem ofcoz.

Thanks to those who voted and commented :)

Plz vote, follow, comment (i like to hear what you think :))

xoxox Mystery

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