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My eyes shot open and I quickly sat straight, my breathing heavy. Where was I? What happened?

The sun was up and I was sitting on the grass, right next to a big tree. I quickly brought my hand up to my face and sighed in relief when I felt my mask. Thank god.

"Oh, you're awake!"

I jumped and quickly turned towards the voice, seeing a guy with brown hair and glasses. I suddenly remembered what had happened; the dog biting me, the group of strangers saving me, and passing out due to blood loss for a second time.

Damn, dude.

"How are you feeling?" he asked with a kind smile. I didn't say anything, instead just tilting my head to one side. He laughed.

"You're not really a talker, are you?" he chuckled. "I'm Russ by the way."

I stayed quiet for a moment, but then decided it would be nice to tell the person that saved me my name. I owed them that much.

"I'm Cry," I said and Russ smiled at me again, giving me a nod.

"It's nice to meet you, Cry."

A person appeared behind him and I recognised him as the blonde who carried me. He gave me a smile as well, seeming relieved.

"Oh, I'm glad to see you're awake," he said. I just frowned, even though they wouldn't be able to see that. Why was he glad to see I survived? I was just a random stranger.

"Oh, Pewds. This is Cry. Cry, meet Pewds," Russ said happily, introducing me to the blonde.

"You can call me Felix if you want to." He laughed nervously and walked towards me, reaching out his hand for me to take, "Do you want to meet the others?"

I hesitated for a second before nodding and taking Felix's hand, allowing him to help me stand. I swung my arm around his shoulder while he placed his arm around my waist. I tried putting a bit of weight on my wounded leg, but it still hurt a lot. At least it felt better than last night.

We walked towards an open spot in the forest and I spotted the other people that were in the group. They turned as soon as they heard us coming.

"Guys, this is Cry," Russ said, once again sounding happy. He was such a cheery guy. How did he do that?

Everyone greeted me, some sounding more excited than others. They started introducing themselves.

"Hey, I'm Minx." The woman with the purple bangs gave me a warm smile.

"I'm Krism," the woman next to her said with a smile as well, even waving at me. She was holding Minx's hand and I noticed the two wedding rings they were wearing. That's adorable.

"Scott," the guy with black hair said, not even trying to be polite.

"I'm Snake," the low voiced guy spoke up. He gave me a nod, and I returned the gesture. Except for Scott, this group didn't seem all that bad.

"So, we were just going to eat," Minx said, pointing at something that used to be a rabbit. "You want something?"

I shook my head. I wasn't hungry. Pewds helped me sit down and then went to sit as well. Russ chuckled, even though I didn't know why, and took his place next to me.

"Well?" Scott looked at me in expectation, folding his arms across his chest. I tilted my head in confusion, mostly because I knew he wouldn't see it if I frowned, and Scott sighed.

"Why are you so wounded? Did a zombie bite you?" he asked impatiently.

"Zombie? Is that how you call the infected?" I asked, looking at Russ because I liked him better.

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