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The rain was ticking on the roof of the truck, the sound echoing and creating a sense of peace. The hoodie we had taped on the window was slowly absorbing all the water that came in contact with the fabric, stopping most rain from getting inside but allowing a few droplets to land on Scott's leg every few seconds, causing him to growl and try to move his leg out of the way. It never worked.

There were only five of us in the car; the rest was taking a shortcut through the forest to hunt and find a good spot to make camp. Scott had decided to split up, not only because he wanted to cover more ground, [but also because writing about all the members at the same time was very hard for Sam to do] but also because he was fairly certain there was a gas station in this area, and he'd refused to leave without checking it out.

Our party consisted of Scott, Russ, Felix, Minx and I. In all honesty, it felt nostalgic. The only ones missing now were Snake and Krism and we'd be back to where we started. It felt like that time was ages ago, but it had only been about 6 months.

I glanced out of the window, sighing when I noticed the sky was getting darker. It was only about 4 PM, but thanks to the constant rain the sky seemed much darker already, the clouds hiding the sun from our sight. On top of that, it was still getting colder each day and I was starting to wonder if we could even make it through at all. Having these doubts was horrible, but I couldn't help but think negatively.

I jumped when the engine of the truck started making a loud noise, followed by the car slowly halting to a stop in the middle of the road.

"No, fuck!" Scott angrily hit the steering wheel and yelled some more swearwords. The silence that followed was deafening, none of us knowing what to say. The car had finally run out of fuel. It was to be expected, but we had all hoped it would last a little longer than this.

Eventually, Scott let go of the steering wheel and turned around, nodding to himself.

"We should go outside and check the road for cars." He looked through the front window. "That gas station I was looking for shouldn't be too far."

"If it even exists, that is." Felix said softly.

Scott turned to glare at him. "Do you have a better idea?! Then please do speak up."

He frowned at Scott but then slowly shook his head, muttering a 'no'. There was another painfully long silence. Scott was on edge and we didn't want to get on his bad side, so we just said nothing instead.

"Let's just go.." Scott eventually broke the silence, reaching for the door. Russ stopped him by grabbing his shoulder.

"Scott.." He started. "The truck's done for. We have no choice but to leave it behind."

Scott hit his arm off. "Are you stupid?! We'll die if we do!"

Another silence. Maybe he was right, but there was no other way. We couldn't just stay in the truck forever, waiting for winter to pass. Although that did sound at least a little appealing.

"We're not giving up on the truck." Scott continued, calmer this time. "Two of us will walk ahead to get to the gas station, two will spread out to look for stranded cars. The last remaining person should stay here."

Russ frowned. "Why? Believe me, the truck isn't going anywhere."

Scott stayed silent for a few seconds but then sighed, giving him a quick nod. "Yeah, of course. You're right."

He rubbed his temples as if he was trying to get rid of a painful headache, glancing at the terrible weather outside. It still hadn't stopped raining and it didn't seem like it was going to stop any time soon. I just hoped the rest of the group had found a shelter to hide from the cold rain.

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