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I let out another sigh and stood up for the millionth time, walking over towards the source of the sound and attempting to stop the rainwater from leaking in through the small cell window - this, as well, I had done a million times already. It never worked.




The window bars didn't even budge as I slammed my hand against it, a sign of frustration that I didn't bother to hide from my friends, who were all either staring at me or staring at the wall. I tried to pull at the bars, hanging on them with my entire bodyweight (which wasn't a lot, but it was something, right?), yet they remained in place. It wasn't like I'd expected otherwise. This motion, too, had been done a million times by now.

As I looked through the small window, I saw the setting sun. Yet another day had passed with no means of escape anywhere in sight. I couldn't even remember how much time had passed since we were first thrown into this cell, but it had to be around two weeks. Maybe less, maybe more, I didn't really care. I just wanted out.

With a loud shriek, our cell door was opened. I didn't have to turn around to know it was Jen, who returned Scott to us after having taken him from his cell this morning. She did that every single day: taking Scott in the morning only to throw him back in the evening, an angrier expression on her face each time. I wasn't sure what the two did or talked about each day, as the only thing Scott was willing to share about it was that Jen was 'trying to recruit him again', but it couldn't be anything good. Jen had not yet attempted to grab anyone else of the group, but I suspected it wouldn't take long for her to switch tactics. After all, the only reason we were still alive was because Jen needed something to threaten Scott with.

I turned around and, as expected, Jen was standing at the door, surrounded by armed, masked guards. She threw Scott back in the cell, the man stumbling inside and barely keeping his footing.

"Let me know if you change your mind, babe," Jen said, winking as she locked the door again. "Or thing will have to get ugly from now on, understand?"

With that, she left, the guards laughing at us from behind their masks. I suppressed a shiver and looked at Scott to make sure he was okay. Apart from looking exhausted, he seemed fine, the leader wordlessly walking over to the corner of the small cell and sliding down the wall, huddling his knees close to his chest. Russ automatically moved to sit next to him, not attempting to speak to him but just allowing his friend to lean against him.

I started pacing again. There was nothing better to do in here, anyway. Things were going to get ugly from now on, Jen had said. What exactly did that mean? Torturing Scott? Or any of us? Or even worse, killing us off one by one until Scott agreed on joining?

This time, I couldn't suppress a shiver.

A hand covering my own finally stopped my pacing and I looked up to see Felix, the Swede gently taking both of my hands in his own. He gave me a small smile that made my heart flutter and then pulled me in tight hug. Warmth and a feeling of safety washed over me and I instinctively closed my eyes, hugging him back just as tightly and burying my head in his chest. I occasionally pressed a small kiss on his neck to express my gratitude towards him, but other than that, the two of us just stood in silence for a long while.

When Felix eventually pulled back from the hug, he cupped my cheeks and kissed me very softly, almost as if he was afraid I'd break. I smiled into the kiss and took his hands again, loving every bit of contact between us. He had such a calming effect on me. Somehow, whenever he kissed me, or held my hands, or hugged me, the world around us seemed to disappear. It was just the two of us together in a world that wasn't fucked up.

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