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"Cry, wake up."

I opened my eyes to Felix lightly shaking me. I groaned and sat up, realizing I had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

"Where are we?" I asked, my voice sounding soft and tired. The two of us were still in the back of the truck but I couldn't see anyone else of the group. The sun had just risen, which meant I must have been asleep for at least seven hours; the longest night of sleep I've had in ages.

"We stopped at a gas station to refuel the truck and eat some breakfast," Felix explained, hopping out of the truck. "With our own gas, unfortunately. The pumps don't work anymore."

I nodded and jumped out, stretching my muscles when something peculiar came to mind.

I had slept for seven or more hours, but didn't have the nightmare.

The past couple of weeks, I couldn't even close my eyes without being haunted by that nightmare, but this night was different. Instead, I had a normal dream — well, I don't think 'normal' would be a good way of describing a dream no matter what it was about — and hadn't been awoken once the entire night. What was up with that? Not that I was complaining or anything, but it was quite strange.

I followed Felix to the back of the gas station, where a window lay broken in its frame. Felix hopped through and I did the same, careful not to cut my hand on any pieces of the broken glass while doing so.

I immediately noticed the group, as they were sitting on the ground in between the shelves, which were once filled with groceries but were now empty. As soon as the group spotted us, they looked up and smiled at the two of us.

"Cry, good to see you've finally released Felix." Russ laughed, patting the spot next to him to tell us to sit. Felix grinned and sat down, but I frowned and thought about what Russ had just said. Had Felix stayed in the truck longer just because he didn't want to wake me? Why would he do that?

I was about to sit down as well when I noticed Snake and Scott in the corner, talking to each other while pointing around. Telling the group I would be right back, I walked over to them, calling out once I was close.

"What are you two talking about?" I asked, starting a conversation. Snake gave me a smile and a nod.

"Nothing much, we were checking if there was any food left, but the whole gas station has been raided already," Scott explained, shrugging. He let out a sigh and rubbed his temples.

"Are you okay? You look tired," I asked him, concerned. He seemed rather pale — even paler than usual — and he had bags under his eyes. Snake glanced at him as well and Scott just nodded, letting out another sigh and looking at the ground.

"Yeah, I'm just a bit stressed about everything that has been going on lately. Ken's death, Krism dying, almost getting killed trying to fix the car.." He looked back up at me, smiling a little as to reassure me. "It's a lot to deal with, but I'll be fine." Snake placed his hand on his shoulder and gave it a little squeeze, comforting him.

"Alright, just know you can talk to me," I said. He seemed a little surprised, but then gave me a thankful smile, nodding.

"Sure thing. Let's go eat breakfast, shall we?"

The three of us walked to where the rest of the group was still sitting. They had opened up some cans of food and were evenly splitting the contents. While Snake and Scott both sat down on the ground, I jumped on the counter and sat cross-legged, giving Russ a little wave when he looked at me. He seemed hesitant for a small second but then stood up, jumping on the counter as well to sit next to me.

"Here, your share of the food." He handed me the food, balanced on the lid of the can. I thanked him, but simply placed the food next to me. Either Russ didn't see or didn't care, because he swiftly moved on to another topic.

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