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"Alright, we're leaving in 30 minutes. Make sure you have all your stuff," Scott announced, looking at the setting sun in the distance. It was getting closer to winter, which meant it was only around 5:30 pm and the sun was already close to disappearing.

This reminded me, winter was indeed coming, and I wasn't a huge fan of that fact. Winter meant freezing conditions and sometimes snow. It meant having to eat more to provide your body of enough warmth to make it through the day. It meant there was one more danger we had to watch out for: freezing to death.

"What are you thinking about?" Felix asked from where he was sitting next to me on the ground. I pulled my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, letting out a small sigh.

"Winter," I said honestly. I glanced over to catch his reaction and noticed his shoulders tense at the word, his eyes fixated on the ground. No one liked winter but everyone knew we couldn't avoid the cold, unless we managed to travel to the other side of the country in less than a month, which, for the record, was an impossible task.

"Oh," was all he managed to say. I immediately felt bad for bringing down his mood and I sighed again, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"But don't worry, I know we'll make it through. The group is incredibly strong so a bit of cold won't bring us down, I promise," I comforted him. It was a promise I wasn't sure I would break or not, but I would try my hardest to keep it.

Felix smiled a little and thanked me, placing his hand over mine and squeezing it a little. As I brought my hand down to my side, Felix make sure to grab it again and I didn't do anything to shake it off, instead holding it tightly while my stomach made a few flips.

I was about to ask Felix something when I noticed Minx sitting by herself in the back of the store, looking at something in her lap. She seemed sad, but then again, she always seemed sad these days, so this didn't really surprise me.

I still needed to talk to her about what had happened. I was the one responsible for Krism's death and I still needed to apologize to her. Although I didn't expect her to forgive me, I wanted us to talk again.

"What's on your mind?" Felix asked, apparently noticing my change of mood.

"I need to talk to her," I sighed, nodding at Minx. Felix immediately knew I was talking about her and nodded slowly.

"Yeah, you should," he eventually agreed.

"What am I going to say though?" I wondered out loud, looking at the floor, "'Hey, I'm sorry for killing your wife, it won't happen again'?"

Felix turned to me in shock, making sure to whisper so no one could overhear our conversation, "What? That's ridiculous. You didn't kill Krism. What happened that night isn't your fault, Cry."

"You don't get it. It is my fault. I accidentally cut her leg, which caused the creature to attack. Besides, I had heard the creature the night before. I knew something was close to us, and I didn't tell anyone," I said, letting go of Felix's hand and bringing it to my forehead instead. I thought back to the loud screeching I had heard that one night. If only I told Scott or Snake or anyone about it, we would've taken a different route and none of this would've happened.

"What do you mean? You heard it?" Felix asked, frowning at me. I hesitated for a moment. If I told him, would he blame me as well? I wouldn't be able to deal with him avoiding me too.

"I.. Uh," I looked away. "The night before she died, I offered to stay awake."

"Yeah, I remember that." Felix nodded slowly. I started twiddling my thumbs.

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