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"Oh, and thank you for being so kind as to bring the group to me. You will be rewarded for this, of course. Who knows, maybe you'll get a promotion."

My eyes widened at her words.


was a traitor..?

My mind was racing to find some sort of explanation; some sort of excuse to her words. Scott, our long-time leader, a trusted friend to all of us, had betrayed us..? This couldn't be.. He couldn't have! He'd always done his absolute best to protect us; to keep us safe no matter what! And what about all the grief he'd felt when Snake died? Or the kind gestures like giving me his coat? Had it all been just an act to fool us into thinking he was on our side? Did he not care about us at all? He was my friend, how could he do this to us!?

It took me a while to gather all the courage I had to look over my shoulder. But as I turned around, I realized that it was not Scott that Lily was looking at anymore. No, Scott was standing right behind me, while Lily was looking more to my left.. More towards...

"It was my pleasure, my queen."

Sp00n stepped forward, bowing deeply before taking his place right next to Lily, on the opposite side of where Duncan was standing. His demeanor had shifted completely, his voice sounding strong and menacing. He had a big, proud grin on his face and he released a chuckle that I could only describe as one of a typical villain from a movie.

"Sp00n..? What are you-" Jack started, but Scott gave him no time to finish his sentence.

"You've lied to us all this time?!" he asked in disbelief and anger. Mostly the latter, seeing from his facial expression.

"Surprise!" Sp00n laughed and it sent a shiver down my spine.

It felt like my emotions were being thrown around inside me. Although I was still devastated that a friend had betrayed us, knowing it wasn't Scott was a big relief to me. Scott was too close of a friend and meant way too much to me; I wouldn't be able to deal with him betraying us. With Sp00n on the other hand, a lot of things suddenly seemed to make sense.

Of course Sp00n knew Lily; they'd been in the group of hunters together. They'd probably planned everything from the beginning – from Sp00n making his first appearance and healing me to shooting Snake but letting me live.

But why did Lily want our group? What did she want from us? Was she here to finish the job and kill me? No, that wouldn't make sense, why keep me alive in the first place then? Did she know I would vouch for Sp00n and accept him as a group member?

And with that last question, I suddenly realized that all of this was my fault. Sp00n had played me like a pawn, using me as his way into our group. By saving my life back in the cell, he'd gotten himself a secure place as group member because he knew I'd repay my depth by saving him from getting killed by my group.

But why? Why mingle his way into the group to lead us to this clan? What was so important to him and Lily that they risked so much just for this moment?


Lily knew Scott.

Whatever was happening here, all of it was connected to Scott. But how?

"It's so good to see you again, Jund," Lily interrupted my chain of thought, smiling at Scott like the two were best friends.

"Don't call me that," Scott snapped, not at all mirroring Lily's happy expression. "You don't get to call me that."

I realized that if I wanted to learn more about this situation, I'd have to simply listen. This wasn't something I could figure out on my own. I knew from the fact that Scott didn't want Lily to call him Jund that the two of them weren't on friendly terms – not anymore, at least.

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