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Felix's P.O.V.

I was making sure to keep an eye on the three new guys, but it didn't seem like they were up to something. They were nice, I guess, but I was still a bit on edge now that they were around. I mean, they pulled a gun and held it against Cry's head! That's not an okay thing to do, and I wasn't about to immediately put all my trust in them. Although it was very nice of them to give us bandages, I wasn't entirely sure about these people yet..

"Are you okay?" I asked Cry. I still had to help him walk but it seemed like his leg was already improving. His limp was getting less bad and he didn't have to put all his weight on me anymore.

He just nodded, staying quiet like usual. He almost hadn't spoken at all today, and I didn't like it one bit. I liked it better when he laughed at Russ' jokes or even joked with him. Right now he was way too serious for my liking.

"Alright, so what's the plan?" Scott asked as soon as the main entrance to the city came in sight.

"What are the rules to be allowed inside?" Krism asked.

"We just need to hand in all of our weapons and we need a convincing reason to have to stay under a roof," Mark explained, glancing at Cry from the corner of his eyes. "And I think we have a good reason. Cry's leg needs to heal."

It seemed as if a light bulb just turned on in my head and I narrowed my eyes at the three guys.

"So that's why you wanted to 'tag along.' You just needed Cry to get inside," I said. I couldn't really blame them, however. I would've done the same thing if I were in their position.

"Yeah, maybe that is indeed the reason, but does it matter?" Jack asked from the front and I thought for a second before shaking my head.

"Not really. As long as you don't backstab us or something," I said and they almost looked shocked.

"What? No, of course we won't do that," Ken said quickly, giving me a smile. I just nodded and focused on the entrance of the city. There were about 5 guards standing around a little security post that was blocking the entrance. Seemed like we had to go through there to get in.

Jack, Snake and Scott were walking in front of the group and were the first to be stopped by the guards.

"How big is your group?" one of them asked, not even bothering to greet us first.

"Uhm.. We're with... 10," Scott said after quickly looking back at us.

"Why do you want to stay?" the guard asked. I was a bit intimidated by them, to be completely honest. They were all carrying a lot of guns on them and I could also see they had about three knives each.

"One of us is wounded and he needs to get rest," Snake explained, nodding at Cry. The guard frowned, saying something about needing to check something, and went inside the security post. The other four guards stayed outside, keeping a close eye on us. None of us dared to say anything and it seemed to take ages for the guard to come back. When he did come back however, he had some papers in his hands and he gave them to Snake.

"Fill in these forms and we'll see if we have place for you," he said, also giving Snake a pen to write with.

"Oh, and please give me your real names. We don't appreciate people lying to us," he added with a fake smile and then went inside once again. Snake wrote his name on the paper and gave it to Scott, who in turn gave it to Minx. I eventually got the papers from Mark and wrote 'Felix' in an incredibly messy handwriting. When Cry took the papers from me he seemed hesitant to write his name. He sighed, quickly writing down 'Cry' on the paper and giving it to Russ. I gave him a skeptical look but he just shrugged, looking away from me. There was no way his real name was Cry... What if we got in trouble because of him?

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