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I took a deep breath, the cold wind blowing past me as I wrapped my jacket tighter around me, shivering a little. As I breathed out, a small cloud formed in the air. Russ appeared next to me and gave me a smile, elbowing me in my stomach.

"Do that again!" He laughed, dramatically exhaling as well and seemingly very happy to see another cloud of condensation. "That's like the only thing I love about winter. It makes me feel like I'm some kind of cloud-breathing dragon."

"A cloud-breathing dragon?" I gave him a weird look. His smile grew.

"Yeah! My brother always called me that." He looked away from me, his smile still on his face. "Call me simple, but I used to love just sitting outside with my brother, looking at the way his breathing condensed in the air like magic. He came up with that nickname because he knew I loved dragons."

Although talking about his brother was probably a very painful subject, he just seemed happy thinking about him. I laughed softly and stepped in front of him, purposefully breathing a cloud of air straight into his face. He scrunched up his nose and took a step back, laughing as he told me my breath smelled horrible and I should save it for Felix anyway. That made me blush a little.

"Cry, do you still have that old, torn hoodie in your backpack?" We were interrupted by Scott's voice, making me turn. He was standing by the truck with Dlive, Jack, Sp00n and Mark. The rest was out hunting because we were starting to run out of canned food again.

"Uh.. Yeah, I think I do." I told him. "Why?"

"Can you come here for a sec?" He waved me over and I nodded, sharing a glance with Russ before making my way towards him. All things considered, Scott was doing a very good job as the new main leader of the group. Sure, he made some mistakes now and then, but that was to be expected after everything that had happened; he was still learning after all.

Once I had reached the others, I took off my backpack and rummaged through my stuff, pulling out what little was left of an old hoodie. Scott instantly took it from me and while I closed my backpack again, he and Jack taped the fabric to the broken car window, making sure it was sealed off at all the edges.

"That ought to do it." Dlive nodded proudly. "It should at least keep out most of the wind."

I spectated for a little while longer and then walked back to Russ, who had taken a seat on the trunk of a fallen tree. I sat down next to him and wrapped my arms around myself in an attempt to keep warm.

In the month that had passed since Snake's death, winter had come and was now another active threat in our survival. The cold was horrible, especially at night, and we had no ways of escaping it. Driving to a warmer place would take too long and we didn't have the food nor the gas to spare for such a long trip. It wasn't even at its coldest yet, but we knew it wouldn't take long for the freezing temperatures to take over. Soon, we'd even be able to see snow, which I wasn't at all happy about.

I audibly gasped when two arms suddenly wrapped around me from behind and I covered my mouth with my hands in shock, calming down once I realized who the arms belonged to.

"Oops, did I scare you?" Felix asked, laughing a little. I pouted and nodded, making him chuckle. "Sorry."

I looked around and saw the whole group had returned from hunting. It didn't seem like they had gathered a whole lot, but I decided not to say anything about it for now. Instead, I turned and quickly pecked Felix's lips, smiling when he gave me a slightly disappointed look.

"That's all you're getting because you scared me." I smiled sweetly and he laughed.

"Not fair."

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