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Cry's P.O.V.

They didn't speak for the rest of the night. After a while of silence I heard Felix lie down, and Russ seemed to have fallen asleep as well, because I could hear a soft snore every now and then.

I turned and looked at the three, seeing they had all fallen asleep by now, even Scott, who was supposed to watch our for the group. I didn't blame them. It had been a long and stressful day.

I sat up and looked at my leg, wondering whether or not I could stand on it. I decided to just try. I mean, what did I have to lose?

I shuffled closer towards the nearest tree and, with my good and uncut hand, pulled myself up on my feet. It stung a little, but other than that it was fine. I tried putting more weight on it and inhaled sharply when it hurt more than expected. I bit my tongue to prevent me from making a noise, glancing at the sleeping group. It didn't seem like they woke up though, so that was good.

The sun was slowly rising, the stars disappearing from my sight. I limped away from the still sleeping group, knowing there was a small cliff just a little away from here. Ignoring all the branches that stuck to my clothes and made small scratches on my arms, I got to the cliff, sitting down and looking at the upcoming sun. The sky was all different kinds of orange and yellow. It was beautiful.

It was always relaxing to just sit, take deep breaths, and enjoy nature. It reminded me of the time before the outbreak. The time when we didn't have to worry about surviving every second of our lives. The time that everyone I loved was still alive..

It felt like I had been sitting there for hours when I heard panicked voices behind me. I rolled my eyes — knowing exactly who was being so ridiculously loud — and decided I needed to check on them. I couldn't just ignore them. What if there was something wrong?

I pushed myself up from the ground, giving the sun one last glance before limping back towards the group. As I got closer I could hear what they were saying.

"I really don't care! Let's just leave." Scott's voice was the loudest. I hadn't expected anything else. I now knew he was being such an asshole because he wanted to protect his group, but that still didn't give him the right to treat me like trash.

"No, we can't do that. He was still here an hour ago, he has to be around here somewhere," Felix said. I was honestly surprised that he was such a kind person. I mean, he could've just responded like Scott and left, but he didn't.

"What if he's just going for a walk?" I heard Minx say and I smiled a little. Yup, Minxy, you're totally right.

"No, that can't be right." I could basically hear Scott rolling his eyes and I laughed internally, shaking my head. I saw them through the trees and Krism was the first to see me.

"He's right there!" she said, pointing at me. Everyone quickly turned and I stopped walking, giving them a small wave and saying, "Sup."

"The sky. Let's go!" Russ said with a smile, picking up his backpack from the ground. Scott glared at me and started walking, the rest of the group following him and Snake, like how it always went. Pewds walked by my side to help me keep up with the others.

"What were you doing?" He asked me and I shrugged, not saying anything.


We walked for hours without a break. I was getting so tired of seeing nothing other than trees, and I cheered internally when the forest finally stopped, revealing old buildings and small houses.

"Is that the town you were talking about, Snake?" Minx asked, pointing at the group of buildings just a little while from here. There was a giant wall built around the town, making it impossible for anyone to get in. There seemed to be only one entrance, which was heavily guarded by — what I guessed from this far away — soldiers and overall just people with a lot of armour and weapons. Snake nodded.

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