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Felix's P.O.V.

I don't think I have ever felt as anxious as at this moment. I couldn't stop thinking about Cry even if I tried, the feeling in my stomach seemingly reaching all the way to my chest. It was a horrible feeling and as much as I wished it to go away, it stayed with me and only seemed to get worse.

We had managed to fix the car and were now following the tracks the hunter's van had left behind. The tracks were starting to fade quite a lot, making it harder for me to choose the right turns, but so far we hadn't run into any problems. I was really hoping it would stay that way.

I couldn't stop thinking about ‘what ifs’. What if we were following the wrong trail? What if we could never find Cry and Snake again? What if.. They were dead already? My attention shifted to the bloody knife that was still in the pocket of my jeans. Carrying it with me felt weird, not only because it quite possibly had Cry's blood on it, but also because it was the knife Cry had fought over so many times in the past. Thinking about it made me a little nostalgic. Jund had stolen that knife for a bit, claiming it as his own for no apparent reason. The knife was also a token of their friendship, as Jund had finally given it back after he'd learned to put a little more trust in Cry.

The fact that there was even a possibility that Cry was dead made me want to burst into tears or punch someone. After all, if those fucking hunters just hadn't showed up, none of this would've happened. Snake and Cry wouldn't have been hurt and taken. All of this could've been avoided!

“Felix, are you okay?”

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and looked to Jund, who was sitting in the passenger seat next to me. He was looking at my hands, which were tightly gripping the steering wheel without me really noticing, so I relaxed my hands and sighed.

“No.” I muttered honestly, looking straight ahead. He stayed quiet for a while, glancing over his shoulder at Russ' and Minx's sleeping figures in the back seat. The rest was sitting in the loading part of the truck.

“You're not the only one.” Jund sighed, rubbing his eyes. I glanced at him and noticed he looked very worn out. He probably mirrored my exact expression, to be honest.

The two of us were in the same boat. Jund was completely clueless now that Snake wasn't here with him and I was devastated knowing Cry was hurt. The two of us were worried sick about the people who meant most to us.

“You have feelings for him, right?” Jund asked all of a sudden, making me frown.

“What?” I asked, confused. What did he mean?

“For Cry. You have feelings for Cry.” He said. He knew?

“Uh.. Y-Yeah, I do.” I admitted, “But how did you know? Is it obvious?”

“I overheard your conversion with Snake. I didn't mean to eavesdrop or anything, but I just happened to be awake.” He explained, looking away awkwardly. I nodded slowly, knowing I had told Snake everything about my feelings towards Cry. I'd known Snake the longest of everyone in the group and I trusted him with everything. He always made the right decisions, no matter what.

“Also, I had my own suspicions.” Jund chuckled. “You're always worried about him, especially when he's quiet. You were also devastated when you found out he had left that night in the city.”

I smiled sadly, nodding a little. I was indeed easily worried about him. I mean, I was worried about everyone in the group, but it was different with Cry.

“They'll be okay, right?” Jund asked quietly, looking up at me.

“Yeah. Yeah, of course.” I nodded, but my voice sounded hesitant.

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