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The man in the doorway was - if I remembered correctly - Will, the man I had stolen from a couple of weeks ago, right before the dog attacked me and took my backpack. I also recalled the woman that was with him; the one who I'd threatened. She wasn't here, though. Now I knew why the name Max was so familiar to me; they had been talking about visiting a guy named Max right before I fucked up their day.

"Raise your hands," he growled. I narrowed my eyes but obeyed, slowly raising my hands. I remembered the last time he aimed a gun at me, when I was holding a knife to his wife's throat. He didn't seem so brave then - his hand shaking as he aimed at me - but now his hand was steady and he glared at me with complete hatred.

"Do you remember me?" he asked me, completely ignoring the others in the room. Max shuffled towards the door and - after giving us an apologetic look - calmly left the room. So Will had told Max about me; the guy with the mask that stole his belongings. That was why Max was staring at my mask a while ago. He'd recognised it from Will's stories.

I stayed quiet. Not because I was scared, but because I knew I would say something stupid and end up dead. I wanted to taunt the guy, but that was a terrible idea, so my lips were sealed for now.

"Answer me. Do. You. Remember. Me?" He got louder this time. I glanced at the others, who just looked extremely confused. I didn't blame them. I decided it would me best to answer him this time. I couldn't stall forever.

"Yes," was the only thing I said. His hand shook a little and I knew he wasn't as brave as he seemed, he just put up an act.

"You motherfucker. Don't you realize what you've done?!" He took a step forward and I took one back. It went on like this until my back hit the wall and Will got closer, the barrel of the gun just inches away from my mask.

"Wow, calm down. Let's talk about this." I heard Russ' quiet voice from behind Will. He sounded panicked and I glanced over Will's shoulder, seeing he was shaking a little and he was as pale as a ghost. That's one thing I had learned over the last couple of days with this group; Russ was quickly panicked in dangerous situations.

"She's..." Will ignored him, his voice shaking, "She's dead because of you."

My eyes widened in shock, but I quickly regained my composure and took a few deep breaths. Just like that, all need to taunt him disappeared. The woman was dead. His wife - the woman I'd threatened - had died.

"Listen-" I started, but Will was quick to cut me off.

"I was lucky Max recognised your mask from what I'd told him," he said, his voice sounding strong once again. He was trying to sound so tough, though inside he was crying and breaking apart. I could see it in his eyes.

"It's not my fault that-" I tried again, only for him to cut me off again.

"YOU stole our stuff! If we still had our first-aid kit, she wouldn't be dead right now," he growled, suddenly gripping his free hand around my throat, harshly cutting off my air supply.

This wasn't good.

"Dude, let him go!" Felix yelled, stepping forward.

"Come any closer and I swear I'll shoot!" Will yelled, giving Felix a warning glare. "This asshole is the reason my wife is fucking dead!"

"I'm sure this is some sort of misunderstanding," Scott spoke up. "Just release Cry and we can talk about it. We can give you some of our stuff if that's what you want."

"This is not a 'misunderstanding.' This is the murderer of my wife, and I want him dead," he spat at me. I pierced my nails in his hand to try and pry it off my throat, but it wasn't working. I noticed Felix sneaking around Will to get behind him and I was praying he would do something soon. I didn't have a lot of oxygen left in my lungs.

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