Behind The Scenes.

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Behind The Scenes.

1. The Markiplier joke in chapter 30, about Mark having pliers, was completely unintentional (yet it was the best joke in the book).

2. My original idea was that Felix would die in the end, leaving Cry alone again, and I would repeat almost the exact first chapter in the epilogue.

3. Thinking of jokes for Russ was one of the hardest parts of writing this story.

4. Scott was in love with Snake, but knew the latter didn't return the feeling so he never confessed.

5. I lost quite some readers after Davon's death.

6. Although some found it annoying, Cry and Felix's relationship is extremely slow-burning on purpose. It's an apocalyptic story, after all, and gaining trust is difficult.

7. My first idea was to further include Cheyenne in the story, but I scratched that because people really dislike her.

8. The fact mentioned above, fact 7, is the only thing I changed because of readers' opinions. Although I have to admit that throughout the creation of this story, I started liking Cheyenne less and less, so I'm not sad that she didn't get more of a role in Infected.

9. Chapter 11 ends with Scott lying to protect Cry. Although he mostly did it to prevent fights and keep the group from falling apart, he also did it because he wanted Cry to stay in the group and knew he was planning to leave.

10. Cry wanted to leave the group so badly at first, because he was terrified of once again losing everyone he cared for.

11. Snake's death was the most painful for me to write.

12. All of your votes and comments kept me going, so thank you so much for that. This story wouldn't be here without you.

13. When I first started writing this story, I expected it to be much shorter (around 25-ish chapters).

14. I have loads of ideas I haven't used, which is one of the main reasons I'm thinking about writing a sequel.

15. A lot of dialog scenes in this book are inspired by actual conversations during Late Night Crew with Cry and Russ streams.

If you have any more things you want to know about the plot, characters or decisions I made, feel free to ask!

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