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Cry's P.O.V.

We all went outside, Snake locking the door behind us, and walked towards the main road. I was walking next to Russ, joking with him. I noticed I was opening up to this dude more than anyone else, mostly because he always managed to make me laugh and we had the same sense of humour; a really bad one.

Jack, Ken and Mark were right in front of us, whispering to each other. I wondered what they were talking about. They were nice, but I still wasn't sure what to think of the three yet. They seemed like good dudes, but then again, even cold blooded killers could put up an act like that.

Krism, Minx and Felix were walking right behind Snake and Scott, who - like usual - were leading the group.

There were more people outside than I had expected. There was a woman walking with a little boy - who seemed no older than 6 - and her husband trailed behind, holding a stuffed animal. There was an elderly couple crossing the street in an agonisingly slow pace, three teens jogging down the street and into a random alleyway, and there were guards patrolling the streets. And those were only few of the people I saw.

"There are a lot of people here. How?" Minx asked, frowning. So I wasn't the only one that found it strange that there were so many people here.

"It's really well guarded," Snake started. "There are a lot of guards patrolling the streets and the wall is keeping the zombies out."

I looked at the big, stone wall around the city. There were guards walking on it - each of them carrying a big rifle - and big lights were placed on top. At night they would probably use them to scan the area around the wall for zombies. I could understand why the people here felt safe.

The people were surprisingly nice, all smiling and nodding at us when we walked past them. It was weird. I was used to pulling out a knife or gun as soon as I saw another human, so them smiling at me was very unusual.

Two guards that were walking past us suddenly stopped. They whispered something to each other, but even I -with my extremely good hearing - couldn't quite hear it. I narrowed my eyes when I saw them pointing at us, and I noticed Scott's hands formed into tight fists, like he was preparing himself to fight if things got out of hand.

They didn't stop us though, and we kept walking until they disappeared from our sight. None of us said something about it, so I didn't either, focusing on my conversation with Russ instead. I had to admit that it made me feel a little more on edge. Who knows, maybe they just noticed that we were new.

"It seems nice here," Russ mumbled and I nodded, glancing at two little kids that were playing some sort of game. I tensed up when one of the two children suddenly ran towards us and hid behind me, laughing and holding on to my leg.

"Can't catch me!" he yelled to the blonde girl, making a weird face. I couldn't help but smile at the little boy. He was hugging my leg - thank god it was my good leg, and not the fucked up one - and giggling.

"Not fair," the girl pouted, crossing her arms. I chuckled and tickled the boy that was hugging my leg, making him laugh and let go.

"No, no! Don't tickle!" He laughed and the girl quickly ran towards us, jumping towards the boy and wrapping her little arms around him.

"I got you!" she cheered. She smiled and looked up at me. "Thank you, sir!"

"Ellie, Davon! Stop bothering those poor people!" I heard a woman laugh and I looked up, seeing a blonde woman walk towards us. Though she didn't look very old, she had some grey stands mixed through her light blonde ones, and her face was lined with creases. She seemed like she had been through a lot, but now she just offered us a kind smile.

"Sorry if they are a bother," she said, watching the two kids with a content smile.

"Not at all," I quickly said, shaking my head and ruffling the boy's - Davon's - light hair. He laughed happily and took my hand, playing with my fingers. I noticed the others were either giving me surprised looks or were just smiling. Scott looked like I had grown two heads.

"Well, we'll be going. Have a good day you all." The mother waved and took her daughter's hand, holding out her other hand for Davon to take. The little boy looked up at me, his smile growing.

"What's your name?" he asked me.

"Cry." He tilted his little head.

"That's a funny name." He chuckled, still ignoring his mother, who was waiting for him to take her hand. "I like your mask. Are you a superhero, Cry?"

I laughed and crouched next to the boy to match his level. "Yes, but that's our little secret, okay?"

He nodded eagerly, his smile growing, and he suddenly hugged me. After a second of hesitation I glanced at Davon's mother, who was just smiling, so I hugged him back.

"Will I see you again?" he asked and I shrugged.

"Who knows," I said. I didn't want to tell him we would definitely see each other again, because I wasn't sure whether we would. There was a small chance this little boy would see me again. I didn't want to tell him that.

He seemed okay with my answer and smiled, waving at me and finally taking his mother's hand. They left and I stood back up, chuckling at the way the others looked at me. I guess they didn't expect me to like kids or something.

"What?" I asked. "Didn't see that coming or something?"

"Not really," Felix answered honestly, but he had a smile on his face.

We went back to looking around the city and found out that it really was a nice place to live. It felt safe, everyone was kind to each other, and the atmosphere was great. In all the time I'd spend wandering past towns, I'd never seen one that was as protected and nice as this one.

Our moods gradually got better just by walking around and seeing the happiness of all the people living here. It certainly was unusual to see people so happy. It made me feel so good to see everyone smiling and laughing, and that scared me a little. Did the happiness of others really affect me that much?

After spending so much time on my own, threatening and stealing from people, had I not realized how good it was to see someone genuinely happy?

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