Origin - Snake and ScottJund

557 39 12

5 years.

Snake's P.O.V.

My legs were tracing deep lines in the mud, my shoes and jeans being soaked by all the rain and muck. I could vaguely feel the hands that were tightly gripping my upper arms, but I couldn't find the strength to lift my head enough to see who was dragging me, or where I was going. All I could see was the ground underneath me, my head hanging limply on my shoulders.

Everything hurt. I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from wincing from the smallest things, like every time one of the men gripped my arm a bit tighter, or each time my legs hit a branch. It felt like I was burning up from the inside, my head throbbing like it was going to explode.

Whenever I closed my eyes and reopened them, it felt like minutes had passed. It only took me a short while to realize that minutes actually did pass each time – I was fading in and out of consciousness. I could remember being in the middle of a forest before, but now, my sore knees were scraping against the hard pavement of a road.

The two men stopped walking all of a sudden. Slowly, I lifted my head, and my eyes landed on the big, iron gate in front of me. What was this? A safe haven?

"Hey, we're back, let us in!" One of the two men yelled. "We have a prisoner!"

With a loud clang, the gate opened and the men continued dragging me. From the loud noise behind me, I figured the door had closed again.

I must've fallen unconscious once more, because by the time I opened my eyes, I was lying facedown on the ground, the taste of blood heavy in my mouth. I could hear voices around me.

"Yeah, they'll be here in a sec," a woman spoke. "I wonder what they'll do to him."

"Almost feel bad for the guy."

"I'm just glad it isn't me."

Using what little strength I had left, I tried to push myself up from the ground, only to harshly get kicked back down.

"Safe yourself the trouble and stay still until the King and Queen get here."

The what now?

I glanced at the people gathered around me. Nothing seemed off about them at first, but when one of them scratched his shoulder, I could see some sort of wound near his collarbone. Or no, not wound – burn mark. He'd been branded. Some sort of clan, then? And these 'King and Queen' would be their leaders? What kind of people were they?

As if they were reading my thoughts, I could hear cheering right then, and the two men who'd dragged me once again grabbed me and forced me to kneel. I looked up and came face-to-face with two people, a man and woman, most likely the 'King and Queen' respectively guessing from the cheering of the people. The woman looked confident and proud, whereas the man just looked out of place.

"Welcome!" the woman spoke, smiling brightly. I wiped some blood off my chin, not bothering to respond. Everyone around me had suddenly gone completely quiet.

The man standing next to her seemed almost as uncomfortable as me, which was odd. He looked uneasy, standing wobblingly on his feet and keeping his gaze focused on the ground while the woman spoke, only briefly glancing up at her some times.

"I apologize for the rough travel here," the woman said sweetly. The kindness she was showing was unsettling, especially because I was a prisoner here. I couldn't figure out her intentions. She was looking at me, seemingly waiting for me to say something, but even if I wanted to talk I wouldn't know what to say.

I turned my head to look around me, ignoring the flaring pain that reappeared by my sudden movement. We were in some kind of town, but after being dragged through that iron door, I wasn't sure if there was any way for me to get out. The town was completely walled off, so the door was the only way. With so many people here, there was no way I could slip away unnoticed; I was truly a prisoner here.

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