Origin - Felix

405 22 22

4 years.

Felix's P.O.V.

Upon first glance, this town seemed like a lost cause. It was a lot smaller than it had seemed from afar, and the poor state of all houses was not reassuring in the slightest; if I had to take a guess, I'd say this town had been raided already.

Nevertheless, I wandered into house after house, feeling my mood worsen every time it turned up empty. My stomach was aching uncomfortably, and pushing my hunger to the back of my mind no longer seemed to work. I was starving.

I'd run out of rations three days ago, and I'd spent weeks trying to find any kind of food with no results. My backpack was uncomfortably light on my shoulders; there wasn't a reassuring sound of cans clinking together as I moved around.

As I spotted the recognizable, cracked sign of a grocery store further down the road, I didn't dare get my hopes up. A grocery store was the first place people would check, and with all the houses having been empty so far, it was extremely unlikely that I'd find anything of worth in there. Still, it wasn't like I had any other options.

A recently infected was stubbornly blocking the entrance, its arm stuck between the two broken sliding doors. As I drew nearer, I grabbed my crossbow from its loyal place strapped on my backpack and aimed it at the zombie's head. With an almost noiseless plink, an arrow shot off and pierced right through the rotten skull.

While readying another arrow, I approached the door, which now had a motionless zombie stuck between it. I forcefully pulled the sliding doors apart and the zombie fell to the ground with a thud.

The inside of the grocery store was as abandoned as the rest of the town had been. I didn't even have to check all the shelves to know they were empty, yet I still walked around, fooling myself that there could still be something left behind – perhaps one can had rolled away in a corner somewhere?

"Förbaskat," I swore quietly once I'd checked every crevice and still found nothing. "Typiskt mig."

This was useless. This was definitely the only grocery store in a town this small, and I was certain that checking the remainder of the houses would be a complete waste of time. My hunger had made me light-headed already. I just prayed that there was another town nearby, or I would actually starve to death. What a horrible way to go.

When I stepped back outside, I made sure to pull out the arrow that was still sunken into the zombie's skull, carefully putting it away in my backpack. I couldn't afford to lose any arrows right now.

As I zipped up my bag and swung it back on my shoulder, I vaguely wondered if I could try to hunt for food. I'd never done so before, but with my crossbow, it was definitely possible; I'd have to learn it eventually, right? How difficult could it be to turn a fluffy rabbit into an eatable meal? And besides, it was starting to look like it was my only option. Night was already approaching and I doubted I could last another night without food and still be able to get up in the morning. I shivered at the thought.

I'd just turned a corner when I saw movement up ahead, and I instantly jumped back, hiding behind one of the crumbling houses and peeking past the wall to scan the street. My first thought was that it had probably been a zombie, but I couldn't be certain there weren't any humans in this town. It would explain the complete emptiness of all buildings, and the lack of many infected.

I was proven right when a short moment later, a man stepped out from a lawn at the far end of the street; I had to squint to tell he was human. From what it looked like, he was carrying a heavy backpack, filled to the brink with supplies, and a hunter's rifle was swung over his shoulder. His posture was certain and intimidating; he seemed like someone who had his shit together in this apocalypse, and I had no intention of going anywhere near him.

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