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It had been a week since we first got to this city, and not much had changed other than the fact that everyone genuinely felt better. We had almost run out of food, but according to our neighbours that wasn't a problem; the city had their ways of gathering food. Apparently, there was a team of trained solders that went out almost every day, coming back with loads of food they had found or hunted. I didn't trust this information at first, but now I'd seen the team with my own two eyes. 7 armed people left at exactly 12 PM every day, and returned at around 8 PM, carrying backpacks full of food.

The guards got nicer as well. I had to admit I was a bit scared of them at first - after they had stared us down when we walked through the town - but nothing weird had happened since then. I guess it really was because we had just arrived here.

The thing that freaked me out most though was the fact that I hadn't seen any infected at all during our stay here. It felt weird; being able to walk around without looking over your shoulder every three seconds. I didn't really like admitting it, but I liked lowering my guard for once.

"Hey, are you awake?" I heard Pewds' voice all of the sudden, making me turn my head. He was standing in the doorway of the small bedroom, leaning against the wooden frame. He gave me a smile and chuckled.

"Good." He nodded, walking further into the room and sitting down on the bed I was lying on. I didn't bother sitting up. I just looked back towards the ceiling.

It was late in the morning - the others were already awake; I could hear them downstairs - and Felix was here to wake me up. It wasn't actually necessary though. I hadn't slept at all. I was afraid the nightmare might return.

"Scott sent me to wake you up," Felix suddenly said, like it wasn't obvious already. I just mumbled a 'Mmh' to let him know I heard him and closed my eyes. I felt tired, but I made sure to stay awake. It wasn't a big deal. I had gone without sleep before.

I tensed up when Felix moved and laid down next to me, letting out a sigh. I opened my eyes to see he had indeed taken his place beside me. I wasn't sure how to feel about this.

After a while of just contemplating what to do, I decided to just go with it and relaxed, once again closing my eyes. Felix's soft breathing was surprisingly calming to listen to and my own breathing automatically fell in pace with his. His breathing was slower than mine, which made me feel relaxed and rested.

"I don't know what's taking you so long, but get downstairs!" Scott's voice came from downstairs, pulling me out of my relaxed state, and my eyes shot open. Felix let out a deep sigh next to me.

"We should get up." He chuckled. As he sat up, his shoulder brushed past mine and my stomach made a weird little jump. What was that?

I sat up as well, looking at Felix. He smiled at me and my stomach did another one of those jumps. It seemed impossible to look away from his bright, blue eyes; they were mesmerising.

"Earth to Cry?" Felix's voice brought me back to reality and I blinked a couple of times, a dark blush creeping on my face.

"Oh, uh. S-Sorry, what did you say?" I stuttered, mentally thanking my mask for hiding my red face.

Felix laughed, "I asked if I needed to help you get down the stairs."

"N-No, thank you. I can walk on my own." I cleared my throat, forcing myself to get my shit together, and followed Felix out of the bedroom. He gave me a nervous glance when we got to the stairs and I rolled my eyes, taking the first step down. A piercing pain shot through my leg and - no matter how much I tried to hide it - I winced in pain, quickly grabbing the railing to keep myself balanced.

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