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Cry's P.O.V.

Sitting with my back against the truck, with my head resting on Felix's shoulder and his arm around me, I think that if I had to choose one night to live over and over again, this one would not be a bad choice. I felt truly relaxed for the first time in a long while, not worrying about today or about survival in general. The nagging tug that was usually in the back of my mind, telling me to stay focused and on edge, was gone for a moment, allowing me to have this one, peaceful night.

My eyes were closed and it felt impossible to reopen them. Although I had already woken up about 30 minutes ago, I could tell it was still early morning by the lack of light, so I was once again drifting closer and closer to sleep, my surroundings sounding fuzzy and distant. I could vaguely hear some people whispering quietly to each other, trying not to disturb the ones still asleep. Felix's shoulder shook a little as he laughed at something Russ said and I smiled softly.

"Aw, Cry is smiling in his sleep."

Russ' whisper managed to wake me a little, but I still kept my eyes shut, allowing my smile to slowly fade. Somehow I still forgot I no longer had a mask, but I was starting to feel more comfortable without it, so I wasn't worried about it anymore. I was actually glad I no longer wore it.

"I'm just glad his nightmares are giving him a rest," Felix whispered back. I was suddenly much more aware of their conversation and I didn't feel as tired anymore, forcing my eyes to stay shut. I knew I shouldn't, but this was a great moment to eavesdrop and I didn't want this opportunity to pass. They were talking about me.

My nightmares had indeed given me a suspiciously long break; it had been weeks since I last suffered from them. For no apparent reason, they just stopped bothering me. I avoided thinking about it as much as possible, scared that they'd return if I gave it too much thought, but I didn't know Felix and Russ had noticed the sudden absence of my nightly terrors as well.

"Same," Russ agreed. "It's all thanks to you."

All thanks to Felix? What did he mean by that?

"It's not 'all thanks to me', don't give me that crap," Felix said with a soft laugh. "I'm just really thankful he can finally sleep better."

"He deserves it, after all that's happened."

Although I had no idea what they were referring to, Felix apparently did something that made my nightmares stop. Now that I thought about it, every time I'd woken up lately, Felix had been right beside me, often letting me use his shoulder or lap as a pillow. Was that why my nightmares had stopped? Was it because of Felix?

The conversation drifted for a while before completely falling silent. Knowing I could no longer fall back asleep, I waited for a few more minutes before finally opening my eyes and letting out a yawn, lifting my head from Felix's shoulder.

"Hey, good morning," Felix whispered to me and I looked up to see him give me one of his bright smiles.

"Good morning," I said back, giving him a quick kiss.

"Yeah, good morning, Russ. Nice to see you, Russ," Russ mumbled bitterly from next to Felix, but he was smiling to let us know he was joking.

"Morning." I laughed.

Now that I had woken up as well, the conversation continued. Around us, others slowly began waking up, happily greeting each other and then beginning to talk about useless, peaceful things. I did notice, however, that Scott was one of the last people to get up, not bothering to greet anyone. Instead, he just silently started packing his bag and checking our supplies. I stopped paying attention to him when Sp00n called my name and started talking to me about a weird dream he had.

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