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“Where do you think you're going?!”

All of us froze and looked around for the person the voice belonged to, but we saw no one.

“Where do you think I'm going? I want to check out that church!” Another voice responded. I frowned but mentioned to the rest to stay quiet and hide, which we all did. Soon after, two guys appeared from the bushes, the guy on front walking to the church without a single care in the world and the guy behind him looking irritated, having to run to keep up with him.

“Wait, you can't just barge in there, what if there are infected inside?” He grabbed the arm of the guy in front of him, harshly stopping him.

“We'll find out soon enough.”

We listened to them in complete silence. They didn't particularly seem like a threat — especially the reckless guy in front — so I could easily overpower them if things turned south. I thought about showing myself and threatening them to get their stuff, but then remembered I was with the group now, so I didn't do that anymore.

That was a weird thought.

“Entoan, don't be so stupid.” Oh, so the reckless guy was named Entoan.

Entoan sighed and pulled his arm away from the other guy, taking a step back, “Why are you always the one giving out the orders?”

“Because you never have a plan for things!” I was starting to think we had found these guys at a rather awkward time, them being in the middle of an argument and all.

“A plan isn't needed if you're just smart about what you're doing!” Entoan argued, turning and continuing his power-walk to the church. I was just starting to think we could easily avoid them when I heard a growl and turned, seeing two infected that were alarmed by the loud argument between the guys.

The others in the group were way too distracted by the two guys to notice the zombies so I quickly grabbed my knife and pushed myself up from the ground, stabbing the one in front through its head. The group finally noticed the danger behind them and Minx stabbed the other zombie as well, both of the bodies dropping on the ground.

“Who's there? Get out of the bushes!” When I turned back around, the two guys were staring at us in shock. The guy whose name I didn't know had a shotgun aimed at our heads.

“Woah, calm down.” Scott said, raising his hands and taking a step out of the bushes. I did the same, putting my knife away but making sure I could still easily grab it.

“What are you all doing here?” The guy asked. It was obvious that he was the leader of the two, while Entoan was just tagging along.

“We're just on our way to the city nearby. Do you happen to know where that is?” Scott asked. I kind of liked that he took it as his role to lead the conversation whenever we were in a situation like this.

“The city? Why would you want to go there?” Entoan asked in confusion, “We're the only ones here.”

“Entoan, don't tell them that!” The other guy glared at him and Entoan did the same.

“Why not? It's the truth. And why does it matter anyway?” He said, shrugging.

Scott loudly cleared his throat when the arguing didn't stop, focusing the attention back on us. It was clear that he wasn't scared of these guys either.

“We just want to get out of the forest.” Scott said honestly. I thought about what they had said for a couple of seconds, looking at the old church.

“Do you guys live in the church?” I asked, hoping the answer was ‘no.’

“No.” Thank god, “We were just about to check it out, but we live in the city.”

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