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“I don't know.” I muttered.

“It's been two weeks, why are you still-”

“I just told you I don't know!” I loudly cut Felix off, letting out a small sigh after. “Sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice like that.”

“It's okay.” He immediately reassured me, sighing as well and wrapping his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder and shivered a little, closing my eyes.

We were sitting in the back of the truck, with Russ sitting next to Felix, Scott behind the steering wheel and, believe it or not, Sp00n seated in the passenger seat. To be completely honest, I was shocked to see him alive after I had regained consciousness. Right before I passed out, a gun was pointed at his head, but thanks to me stepping in front of him, he was still alive. The group had actually listened to me and lowered the gun. It surprised me a little bit, but I'm relieved they realized Sp00n isn't a bad guy.

Or well, ‘realized’ may not be the right word..

Every minute, Scott gave Sp00n a harsh glare and tightened his hold on the steering wheel. It kind of reminded me of the Scott from back when I had first joined. He was quiet and every time he did talk, it was some kind of spiteful comment towards Sp00n or anyone else for that matter. The only difference from when I had joined was that Snake was no longer here to tell him to be nicer.

“How are you holding up?” Felix quietly asked me. I know he was only worrying about me, but having him constantly asking me whether I was okay was getting on my nerves. I didn't like being treated as if I'm weak, he should've known that by now.

“I'm fine.” I replied, opening my eyes and glancing at him. He looked a little skeptical but didn't say anything.

I get where he was coming from. It had been two weeks since we went through that whole ordeal in the prison, most of which was spent having to worry about my unconscious self.

I carefully lifted my shirt and looked at the stab wound. While I was unconscious, Sp00n had stitched the wound closed again, using one of the first-aid kits Snake had been carrying around. After that, it apparently took me a week to wake up and the group had nearly lost hope. They stayed in the prison because traveling seemed like a bad idea. Fortunately, I did wake up and now we're finally able to leave this place. One thing I now know for certain is that I prefer getting stitches while I'm passed out.

I was looking out of the window so I immediately noticed the truck slow down. I was about to ask Scott why we were stopping when he spoke, his voice emotionless.

“We're stopping for the night.”

If there was one thing I was relieved about it was that Scott had still taken the leadership after all that had happened. Felix told me that in the week I had been unconscious, Scott had isolated himself. He didn't speak at all, just staring at the wall every minute of every day. That changed when I woke up however. When I had opened my eyes against all odds, it was like some kind of switch flipped inside Scott's brain. He realized that if he didn't take the role of leader, who was? Although he did his best to pretend to be unbothered about this whole ordeal, all of us knew how tough it was for him to lead without Snake's guidance. It was going to be difficult without him.

The group had given Snake a proper burial in the forest next to the prison while I was still unconscious. I didn't blame them for that, as you can't just leave Snake's body somewhere while waiting for me to wake up, but I was extremely disappointed I couldn't be there at that moment. Snake meant a lot to me — to all of us. He sacrificed his life for mine and I wasn't even able to be at his burial.

After I had regained consciousness, Felix and I made sure to visit the grave and I properly thanked him for saving me. I also placed some flowers there. It was the least I could do.

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