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It is time.


Felix's P.O.V.

These past few days had been really weird. Everyone had changed, whether it's in a huge way or just a tiny bit. Russ was still making jokes every two minutes, but I could tell he was completely out of it, his voice quiet and his eyes sad every time he spoke. Jund and Snake always walked out in front, not talking to us once the entire time we were walking. The only time they did talk to us, was when we had to decide who would take watch at night. Krism and Minx kept to themselves as well, constantly holding hands and kissing, thankful to have each other. Jack was abnormally quiet. Normally he would be talking so loud that we had to constantly remind him to keep his voice down, but now he didn't say anything. He whispered something to Mark every now and again, which was an improvement from saying nothing at all I guess.

The person that got me the most worried was definitely Cry. He'd fallen back to the Cry I first met; the quiet and suspicious one. He was always walking behind the rest of us, looking around at the trees and sometimes randomly stopping whenever he felt like it. He barely slept and always offered to stay awake for the night watch. I would always tell him to get sleep but he simply ignored me every time. He was lost in his thoughts and whenever I tried to talk to him, he dismissed me and walked away.

I didn't like it one bit.

I'd gotten to know the funny and chatty Cry. The Cry that always brought his opinion into the conversion and wouldn't stop until everyone would realize he was right. The Cry that started stuttering when he got into an awkward situation. The Cry that got all flustered when I got near him. The Cry that I started to really like. It seemed as if that Cry had never even existed in the first place, and that really annoyed me. He needed to snap back to reality because - even though no one admitted it out loud - the group really needed him. The real him. Right now, he was just floating between his existence. He wasn't gone, but he wasn't really here either.

I kept thinking of that one night in the city; the night everything went from peaceful and perfect to horrible and terrifying. I had been harshly awoken by an explosion and freaked out when Cry was nowhere to be found. Scott told me to get my shit together. He saw Cry leave that night and told me he wouldn't be coming back. That sure as hell came as a shock, and I probably would've broken down if it wasn't for the stressful situation we were in. I couldn't get it off my mind though, hell, even now I was still thinking about it. Why did he leave? Why would he do that to us? At least he came back when he saw we were in danger, so I guess that meant something.

"Let's call it a day," Snake said from the front of the group, stopping and letting out a sigh. I stopped walking as well and Cry harshly bumped into me because he wasn't paying attention, nearly falling on the ground because of the impact. Normally, I would've laughed about this situation, but it seemed almost impossible to smile right now.

Without saying a word, Cry wandered off and looked up at a big tree. Everyone sat down in a circle while taking off their backpacks, digging through it in hopes of finding some left over food. We ended up finding two cans with beans and we split it evenly.

"Cry, we have food," Russ said, glancing at Cry with a worried expression. He had noticed his sudden change as well and I knew he cared about Cry just as much as I did.

"Mhm," Cry mumbled to let him know he heard Russ, but didn't turn around or say anything else. He suddenly jumped up and grabbed a branch, pulling himself up in the tree. I watched as he sat down on a large branch and leaned back against the tree trunk, closing his eyes and letting out a deep breath.

"I'll be right back," I said quietly as I stood up and grabbed both mine and Cry's share of the food. Minx gave me a soft smile and a nod while Russ just looked down at the grass. Everyone was affected by Cry's change of demeanor.

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