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The moment we opened the door to the base, a certain brown-haired boy embraced us in a hug.

"You guys are okay!" Russ cheered, smiling.

"Yeah, why wouldn't we be?" Felix asked as Russ pulled back. I looked at the rest of the group to see they were all looking nervous and Scott was pacing through the room, quietly muttering to himself.

"Guys, what happened?" I asked cautiously, pushing passed Russ and walking farther into the room.

"Entoan and Dlive are in trouble," Snake said, grabbing Scott's arm to stop him from pacing endlessly. "When they got back with gas, they decided to go to the garage. They haven't returned yet."

"Well, maybe they are still there because they are waiting for us?" Felix asked hesitantly, but Scott immediately shook his head.

"They told us if they weren't back in 10 minutes, there was something wrong," he said, letting out a sigh and resuming his pacing. "It's been 30 minutes already."

While Snake stood up and stopped Scott from pacing again, Mark grabbed his backpack and threw it over his shoulders.

"We're going," he said, marching over to the door. None of us argued against him, following his lead and gathering our stuff before walking to the door.

I had a feeling we wouldn't come back here, so while everyone was busy I quickly grabbed some ammo and the first-aid kit that was still lying on the desk. Felix made sure to take the crossbow he had found in the church with him and I thought about taking some weapons, but then realized I already had a knife and gun, so grabbing more would only lead to extra weight. Also, Scott checked if we could take the flamethrower Entoan had showed us, but unfortunately the cabinet was locked.

After taking everything we needed and could carry, we left the base for what was probably the final time and set off to the garage. Me, Scott and Snake were the only ones who knew where it was, so the two of them walked out in front with me right behind them, paying close attention to any traps.

I soon noticed Snake and Scott were having difficulties with spotting the traps — very much like Felix had an hour ago — so after having warned them for the fourth time in 5 minutes, I decided to walk in front.

Luckily, to reach the garage we only had to cross the street and go through a few alleys, so no one managed to activate a trap on the way there. Just like last time, we had to climb the fence to get to the front of the building. I decided to go first and the very moment I landed on the ground, I realized why Entoan and Dlive hadn't returned to the base.

Infected were gathered around the garage, banging on the doors and boarded-up windows, trying to find a way inside. My guess was that Entoan and Dlive had accidentally made a loud noise — attracting attention to themselves from all the infected close enough to hear — and now they were surrounded.

I watched as everyone jumped over the fence after me, also staring at the zombies in shock. I remembered we went in through the window last time, but the boxes that had been stacked underneath had fallen over and there were zombies trying to get in through that way as well.

Staying extremely quiet, Scott mentioned for us to follow him. He had also noticed we couldn't go through the window this time, so his plan was probably to try and find another way in. Maybe there was a backdoor we could go through, or a window we could break.

I hadn't been paying attention to where we were going — just blindly following Scott and Snake, assuming they had a plan — so I jumped when Snake suddenly raised his voice.

"Campbell!" He used Scott's nickname to get his attention and quickly grabbed his hand, pulling him back. Scott seemed confused at first but then noticed the tripwire at his feet.

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