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The next time I opened my eyes, the pain had already subsided a lot. Breathing no longer hurt as bad, though coughing or clearing my throat were both still terrible ideas. I slowly pushed myself from the ground, noticing Snake was awake again as well. I wasn't sure whether he had slept at all or had just stayed awake, but he noticed me sitting up and reached forward to push me back down. I just waved his hand away and fully sat up, leaning against the wall and letting out a sigh.

“How are you feeling?” Snake asked quickly, still as worried as before.

“Better.” Was all I said. It was night so I could barely make out his figure in the dark, but I saw him relax a little at the sound of my calm voice. He sighed and moved to sit next to me.

There were loud voices coming from the end of the hallway, the voices sometimes erupting in loud laughter. A weak, yellow light from a candle or lantern appeared to be coming from that direction as well. There was no doubt in my mind that the voices belonged to the group of hunters that had attacked us, or at least what was left of them after we had fought back.

“Sounds like they're having fun.” I muttered, glaring at the sound like it was going to solve everything. I remembered I still had a lot of questions about what had happened so I sighed and turned to look at Snake.

“What happened back there? How did you get caught?” I asked carefully. Snake stayed quiet for a moment before taking a deep breath and beginning the explanation.

“We saw you save Mark and run off. Felix started to panic a little, although he tried his best not to show us.”

I frowned a little at that, knowing Felix was worried about me right now as well.

“We couldn't go after you without getting shot, so we stayed to take care of all the other hunters.” Snake continued, “However, one of them overpowered Scott and threatened to kill him if we didn't put out weapons on the ground.”

He stayed quiet for a short while, seemingly considering his options before asking me a question, “Remember the hunter that stitched your wound?”

“Yeah, I remember.” I said bitterly, thinking back to the pain that had caused. But at least I was still alive, so I was thankful.

“His name is Sp00n. He was the one threatening to kill Scott.” I raised my eyebrows. I though that Sp00n guy was an okay dude?

“What? But I thought-” “Wait, I'm not finished.” Snake cut me off, “Because this is when we heard your scream.”

“You heard me?” I thought back to when the last remaining hunter stabbed me, “That was when one of the hunters stabbed me with my own knife..”

“Yeah. Felix and Russ both panicked but we couldn't get to you because Sp00n was still holding a machete against Scott's throat.” Snake said sadly, scratching the back of his head, “The hunters called for backup and soon a dark van appeared.”

I thought for a second, my eyes focused on the ground while I mindlessly drew patterns on the blanket, “This doesn't explain how you got here.”

“They still had Scott and they wanted to take him with them, so I asked them to let him go and take me instead.” He explained, looking straight ahead.

“And that worked?” I asked, surprised. Hunters weren't known for being nice and merciful, so why did they listen to Snake?

“At first it didn't, but Sp00n eventually listened to me and let Scott go. I was pushed in the van and when it stopped again, a hunter climbed in, carrying you. Now they've locked us in here.” I nodded slowly, taking in the information. So that was what happened.

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