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Letting out a deep sigh, I looked around once more before repositioning myself to a slightly more comfortable position, leaning back against the tree and pressing my eyes shut. It was around 4 AM and the group was still asleep. It wouldn't be long until Scott would wake everyone up so we could resume our walking, but until then, I had to make sure nothing sketchy happened.

I started to get dizzy so I opened my eyes again, looking at the trees in front of me. It was still extremely dark, but in an hour or two the sun would rise and then we would be able to actually see where we were walking.

Another 5 minutes passed and I yawned, switching my position again. Just sitting here in silence reminded me of when I was still alone, without the group's constant talking filling the air around me. I hadn't really thought about leaving since that one night in the city, and I think I was content with that.

I looked over to the group, smiling a little when I noticed Russ was tightly hugging his backpack in his sleep. He mumbled something incoherent as he shifted around.

About 5 minutes after that, I heard a distant screech, making me look up. From what I could tell, whatever animal made that screech was still about a mile away, so I didn't have to worry about that. I wasn't sure what made the sound though.. Was it another fox?

It screeched again and I frowned, slowly pushing myself from the ground. It sounded much closer now, but that was near impossible. How on earth did it manage to move this fast?

Sneaking over to Scott's sleeping form, I considered waking him and telling him about what I had heard, but then changed my mind and just grabbed his backpack, digging around for his flashlight. When I finally found it, I walked a few steps away from the group and turned it on, aiming it towards the treeline.

After just looking around for a minute and not finding anything I turned the flashlight back off, letting out a small sigh. I was probably just overreacting. After all, the second screech could've been from a different animal that was closer to us.

I started walking back to the group when I heard a branch snap behind me, making me freeze. More branches snapped as whatever was behind me walked around. I slowly turned around again — turning on the flashlight and looking at the direction of the sound — but there was nothing there.

"Cry?" I heard a sleepy voice behind me and I gasped, quickly turning back around and shining Scott in his face with the flashlight. He covered his eyes with his hand and I quickly apologised, lowering the flashlight.

"What are you doing?" He asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and stretching.

"I thought I heard something." I explained, mentioning towards the bushes. Scott frowned and stood up, looking past me. Apparently he didn't see anything either, because a few seconds later, he shook his head and gave me a pat on the shoulder.

"The sun is going to rise in less than an hour, so get ready to leave." He said. I just gave him a nod and handed him his flashlight, walking back to where I had been sitting and dropping myself on the ground. I kept an eye on the bushes, but felt more on ease now that Scott was up and about. It had probably just been another fox anyway.


The forest only became thicker the more we walked, the bushes so close to each other that moving became hard to do. Branches were always in the way, with us having to keep our arms in front of us to prevent us from getting stuck.

"This is ridiculous." I heard Russ say and I nodded.

"How much longer until we can rest?" Felix asked Snake, who just responded with a shrug.

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