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"Guys, we're here!"

My voice rang loudly through the forest, but right now, I didn't care if I was making a lot of noise. I felt so incredibly happy seeing my friends again. There had been a constant source of anxiety telling me I wouldn't find them again, so seeing them here now lifted an insane weight off my shoulders.


Scott frowned and looked around him until his eyes eventually landed on me. I could see the relief wash over him but before I could say anything to him, Russ had jumped forward, pulling me into a very tight hug that I could feel was driven with a lot of emotion. 

"Thank god..." he muttered quietly, resting his head on my shoulder for just a few seconds before backing out of the hug and giving me a smile. He then spotted Felix sitting on the ground behind me and he rushed towards him, first checking if he was okay before hugging him as well.

Minx said something about being thankful before abruptly plopping down on the ground, out of breath. Sp00n casually sat down next to her. It made me kind of emotional knowing they had all walked very quickly to try and find us sooner, the members having pushed through their exhaustion to regroup with us as quickly as possible. When Minx noticed me looking at her, she flashed me a grin and a cute little wave that reminded me of Krism a lot. Sp00n gave me a firm nod.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt another person pulling me in a hug, right followed by another embrace. Jack and Mark had both hugged me briefly and expressed their relief that I was okay. Just like Russ, they then moved on and did the same with Felix.

What surprised me most, however, was what Scott did next. He didn't even look slightly hesitant as he stepped towards me and, instead of shaking my hand as I'd expected, hugged me as well, patting my back exactly three times before stepping back again.

"Good to see you alive, Cry," he said, smiling ever so slightly. I was a bit shocked at his sudden showing of emotion, but was able to return the smile. Wordlessly, he took off his backpack and handed it to me. Right at that moment I realized it was actually my backpack; he had been carrying both mine and his own.

"After the encounter with the ghoul, we went back to the others at the truck to get everyone's supplies. We decided to leave the truck," he explained upon sensing my confusion. He didn't explain why they'd left the truck, but I didn't ask; I trusted his decision to leave it so I knew there was a good reason.

Right when I thought Scott was going to pass me to get to Felix, he actually dropped his own backpack and took off his coat, handing it to me before swinging his backpack back on his shoulder and walking away from me. I thought about stopping him and handing him his coat back, but then realized I was freezing and quickly put it on. Scott must've felt me shivering when he hugged me. After all, I was the only one without a winter coat.

"Scott, you got any spare bandages?" Russ asked from his position next to Felix. Scott nodded and immediately grabbed a roll from his backpack, throwing it at Russ, who caught it and immediately started wrapping it around Felix's ankle. Seeing Scott's worried expression, Felix quickly explained that he'd just twisted his ankle, and I saw Scott relax a bit.

While Russ finished bandaging Felix's ankle and then helped him stand, Mark turned to look at me again, "Have you two seen Entoan and Dlive?"

He pointed at two of the four backpacks he and Jack were carrying. I quickly recognized two of them as Entoan and Dlive's backpacks and my heart clenched painfully, thinking of an appropriate way to tell the others about the unfortunate fate of the two friends.

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