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It seemed to take ages for the sun to go down, but it eventually did. Russ didn't let me out of his sight once, which was quite frustrating, but soon we all agreed on going to bed. I stumbled upstairs and let myself fall on the bed, keeping my eyes open to make sure I wouldn't fall asleep. There was a nervous feeling in my stomach and I felt like I needed to puke.

"I will never get tired of sleeping in this bed," Russ muttered into his pillow, making it hard for us to hear him. I just smiled sadly at the ceiling.

"I don't know... I'm still having a bit of trouble falling asleep," Felix mumbled, which made Russ chuckle.

"I don't have any trouble falling asleep. It's so easy, I can do it with my eyes closed," he joked, making Felix groan and face-palm. I snorted and immediately hated myself for it. Dammit, why must I have such a horrible sense of humour?!

"Do you think we'll stay here?" Felix asked after a little silence. "In this city I mean."

"I think not. Scott and Snake will want us to move on eventually. Let's just hope that it isn't anytime soon," Russ answered, letting out a sigh. It was quiet after that. Russ turned away, looking at the wall. I stayed in the same position - my eyes fixated on the ceiling - and I waited for an hour before slowly sitting up. Both Russ and Felix were sound asleep, or at least it seemed like it. I decided to play it safe, waiting for an extra hour before actually getting up and silently taking the backpack from underneath my bed. I opened it and double checked if I had everything - which wasn't that hard seeing I only had a few belongings - and swung it over my shoulder. Time to go.

Silently opening the door, I snuck out into the hallway and tiptoed downstairs. It was too dark to see anything so I held my hands out in front of me so I could feel it if I reached the wall. Before I could however, I heard a cough from next to me, making me freeze in my spot. I quietly went over to the door and peeked inside the living room, my eyes scanning the room and landing on a dark figure on the couch. It was Scott.

This could be a problem.

He was sitting almost completely motionless, apart from his breathing and blinking. What was he doing here in the middle of the night? My curiosity was starting to get the best of me and I was considering putting my bag down for a second to ask him why he was awake. That thought left almost as soon as I got it though, and I quietly continued down the hallway. I would have to sneak behind him to the door, because the backdoor was hammered shut, but I wasn't sure how to do that. He would probably hear the door opening and closing.

I decided to check if there was a window that hadn't been boarded up. If there was, that could be an easy way out without alarming Scott. I looked inside multiple rooms, but quickly found out that it was no use; all the windows were sealed shut and breaking them open wasn't an option.

I sighed and tiptoed back towards the living room, peeking through the door. He was still sitting on the couch but now he had a glass of water which he was quietly sipping. Would he hear me if I just sneaked out of the door behind him? Was it worth the risk?

I took a deep breath and slowly pushed the door open, praying it wouldn't make a creaking noise. As soon as the opening was big enough for me to slip through, I entered the living room and quietly made my way towards the door. Every little noise I made seemed way too loud; my shoes tapping on the wooden floor, the zipper on my backpack dangling and making a 'cling' every so often, my breathing that was coming out slowly and shakily.

Scott didn't turn around.

As soon as I got outside and had noiselessly closed the door behind me, I let out a deep sigh of relief. I couldn't help but smile a little. I did it! I got out without anyone noticing me!

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