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Hey, so, I'm starting off with a small note. THIS IS NOT THE END! There will still be an epilogue, and I will post some facts about the story afterwards. Oh, and after that, I might even write the origin of how everyone before Cry came to join the group, so more about Scott, Snake, Russ, Minx, Krism and Felix (and more Snund/Krinx, of course). I would love for you to stick around for that! :D

Okay. So, here goes. Prepare yourself.


Soft sobs filled the small cell, the sound cutting through the silence like a knife. Russ was hovering over Scott, tightly holding his friend and shaking him softly.

"Stay with me, please," he begged.

At the sound of footsteps approaching our cell, I ran over to the door, shaking the bars wildly like that would help us.

"Hey, please, we need help!" I yelled out, catching the guard's attention before he could even see us. When he stepped into my line of sight, I really wished he wasn't wearing a mask. Not seeing his expression made me anxious.

The guard wordlessly shoved the food tray through the bars and turned to leave.

"Wait, please, our friend is wounded!" I exclaimed, faltering a little when he didn't even turn to look back. "Please, Scott will die!"

Suddenly, he stopped, slowly turning around. He was suddenly interested and I knew why — he didn't care if one of us died as long as it wasn't Scott.

The guard walked back towards our cell, one hand on the med kid and the other on what I assumed was the key for the cell door.

A scoff came from under the mask and my heart sank.

"Move aside," he spoke harshly, and I could imagine him glaring at Russ from underneath his mask.

Russ, whose face was still stained by tears, quickly moved away from Scott. I swore I could hear the guard gasp.

Scott's shirt was completely red, the fabric stained from an apparent stomach wound, and the male was struggling to keep his eyes opened. In his rush to open the door, the guard nearly dropped his keys a couple of times, but he eventually managed to open the door and burst inside.

In his rush to get to Scott and grab his med kit, he didn't even have the chance to turn around and lock the door behind him, because by the time he'd realized that he should close it, Felix had hit him on the head with the food tray, rendering him unconscious; by the time he'd wake up, we would be long gone.

"He's gonna feel that in the morning," Jack said, an impressed look on his face. Felix quickly crouched down to make sure the guard was really unconscious.

"Good," I chuckled, grabbing Felix's arm to pull him up from the ground. He gave me a bright smile.

Russ had wiped the fake tears away and was now helping a disgusted Scott, who literally looked like he was about to puke.

"Do you have any idea how gross it is to be covered in tomato soup?" he asked, lifting his shirt and attempting to wipe the food off his stomach.

"Nope," Russ said casually. "And no, I don't want to find out."

Scott eventually gave up and just closed his jacket to hide his shirt. "Nice acting, Russ."

"Thanks. I knew I was born to be a movie star."

We quickly looted the guard, pleased to see that he had multiple weapons on him. I took his knife, Felix took his machete, Mark took his pistol and Scott took the rifle. We then left the cell and made sure to lock the door behind us to buy us some more time.

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