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I'm really bored. I have no Idea what to do right now. I guess i'll just sit on my bed, casually rubbing tikki's head thinking of Adrien. Pretty much all i do daily. Then i remember.


I'm seeing Alya tomorrow and she is gonna ask me questions about her ladyblog. I quickly grab my phone and go onto her ladyblog. I read everything from theroies to ranting and everything inbetween. I got quite intrigued so I ended up read quite a lot.

I also watched a lot. I remember the interview in the museum and the history textbook I dropped.

That was so hard to get back.

Watching all these and I started to notice i was kind of feeling bad for Chat noir after watching the video where he asks Alya if she wants to know his age and she just says I think I'm going to find out and she points to his ring beeping, ultimately results in him sprinting off.

I had all the fans and the glory and all the praise while he just stood there smiling. Maybe he didn't mind.

Maybe he just wanted to see me happy. I smile at the thought passing through my head.

I find an "attractive" photo of Chat with his nose wrinkled and zoomed in. I laugh at bit at this and then I remember something else. Are friends still friends once you have kissed them?

Like I mean, of course they are. Some people don't kiss and tell you know.

That kiss didn't really mean anything anyway but it felt like it did. Like I have been waiting for that kiss forever.

It was weird but i got over the thought quickly. I keep scrolling till I find a video of chat about to attack me.

I decided to watch it.

He had his hand ready to use his power cataclysm on me and then I realised. I'm pulling him in. I started to kiss him. I start to shake.

Alya got the video of us kissing?

And she never showed me. My whole world turn upside down and I sat there hoping Chat has never seen this as he doesn't remember anything from when he was turned evil. I didn't notice anyone filming us while we are making out for no reason that people would understand.

Who wants footage of this anyway?

What if the real Chat saw this video?

What if he thought I actually had a crush on him?

What if...?

All these kind of thoughts zoom through my head as I slowly stop patting tikki and freeze.

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