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Suddenly, the Eiffel tower lights up, blending with the moonlight sky.

"Wow, night time already huh?" i state, glaring out at the sight before me.

"Yeah, want to do a night shift Bugaboo?" Chat replies with the right side of his mouth raised.

"Ugh whatever, don't call me that" I assert, rolling me eyes with my brows furrowed.

He snickers at my responsive facial expression, i cross my arms and squat down. He doesn't follow me but instead stands taller, looking over Paris like he owns the place. It makes me grin.

He looks down at me but not intimidatingly, just charming and graciously making us feel equal. He offers his hand, which i humbly accept and i'm abruptly off the ground. He doesn't let go.

I'm fine with this, i don't want him to let go. I don't feel so lonely anymore. Using his other hand, Chat grabs his metal pole from his back and glances my way.

"Want to go higher?" he inquires, i nod slightly and swiftly we take off.

We land promptly and he still grips my hand but now our fingers are intertwined. They fit so perfectly, it feels right. I take a glimpse at our grasping hands and then soon face Chat. His face beaming with happiness makes me overjoyed.

For some reason, seeing someone you love look joyous, makes you feel the same. In fact, it's the same case for any emotion, sadness, pleasure, anger or even sleepy. Shows you care or understand them as a person and you want to show that.

We don't make a lot of conversation which i quite enjoy. A few annoying puns here and there and curious questions but other than that, silence. It always nice to just simply savor each other company.


It was so nice and quiet.

Until she asks a question...

"Can you be honest with me? Were you disappointed when you found out i was your partner in crime" She makes punches with her hands and turns her head over to me.

I stay silent for a bit wondering how on earth should i respond to this. I wasn't that's for sure but i have no words to respond. I stare at her and suddenly the words come to me.

I smile before beginning a not too long speech on her.

"Marinette, why would you ever think otherwise, i was the happiest man alive when i found out. You are ladybug, even now i still get a tingly feeling down my spine. Of course i was happy because i love you, Marinette with or without the mask your the same person to me" i finished with my hand on her cheek.

She smiled at me with the most prettiest expression. I felt like the luckiest man in the world. My heart fluttered at that very moment when i hear that sweet sentence escape her lips.

"I love you, too"






You just read the most cheesiest piece of trash in your life congrats! You probs all cringed but it had to happen eventually come on now!

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