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Marinette turns around to find Adrien laying on the floor, eyes closed. He looks unconscious. Marinette drops her bag in absolute shock and begins runnig to Adrien. She bends over and shakes his whole body rapidly.

"Adrien, are you okay? Wake up please!" Marinette screams while grabbing his cold, sweaty palms in her hands.

She squeezes his hands and starts to tear up.

"Help, someone help!" Marinette shouts again

She doesn't understand what is going on but all she cares about is if Adrien is okay. Alya didn't notice Marinette wasn't with her until she heard her cries and she ran up to Marinette with the teacher and other students right behind her. The students huddle around seeing Adrien on the floor with Marinette crouching next to him in near tears. The teacher touches her shoulders and she stands up wiping her glistening eyes. The ambulance come quite fast storming through the school and lifting Adrien into the car.

Marinette is full with emotion, sadness, sympathy, love and most of all confusion. A student must have rushed and called the ambulance instead of his Dad. Marinette stands outside watching the ambulance as it drives away. Marinette turns her head up as Chloe starts to talk. 

"Ugh, now i will have nobody to photo shoot with this afternoon" she stomps her foot in anger and flicks her ponytail off of her shoulder. I straighten my back in anger and slap Chloe in the face. 

"HOW COULD YOU SAY SUCH A THING YOU COLD HEARTED BI-" Marinette exclaims loudly in pure hatred before being cut of by Alya.

"MARINETTE STOP!" Alya grabs Marinette's arm and she turn around and starts to cry again.

Alya brings her in for a hug. Marinette stands there with her arms around Alya's neck. Alya gives Chloe an evil glare over her shoulder as Chloe rubs her sore spot on her face. Everyone goes home early after a rough day. Marinette gets home and immediately asks her mother if she can visit a friend in hospital. 

"No you are grounded from all the days you have missed class this week" Sabine answers Marinette sternly.

"But mother this is serious" Marinette shouts.

"i'm sorry Marinette but until you have full attendance, you may not leave the house"Sabine touches Marinette's shoulder.

Marinette brushes off her mothers touch and runs upstairs, slamming the door underneath her. She collapses onto her cold bed and curls into a ball. A singular tear rolls down her red stained cheeks. She doesn't feel so good after what has happened in such a short period of time.

Tikki flies from her small, pink bag and strokes her head in sympathy.Marinette suddenly rises her head in realization. She gets an idea on how to see Adrien and starts on it immediately by shoving pillows under her blanket to make it look like she is in bed. She then begins transforming into ladybug. She goes to her top balcony to swing to the hospital with her yoyo.

I have really wanted to an emotional fan fiction so here you are the mood has really changed, HAVE A GREAT DAY! ~ ADMIN

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