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I stand up fast and run to the elevator. I need to explain that it wasn't on purpose. Why would he think I would kill his father? I hate it when people hate me. Not a nice feeling. The elevator music makes me cringe cause I realise that Hawkmoth probably chose the elevator to install.

Tikki and Plagg followed me in and we are descending at a fast rate. We arrive and I almost break the 'open door' button. We run towards Adrien's bedroom and he isn't there. I take off the ring after saying bye to Plagg. I place it on his bed with a note.

I quickly leave the room and transform into ladybug form. I grab my yoyo and swing out of the house towards the Effiel Tower.


I knew that Marinette would come to find me so I hid in my bathroom. I close the door softly and sit in a corner. All of a sudden I hear footsteps and my name being called. I bury my face between my knees and suddenly I get flashbacks. Me coming in here, pretending to have a shower but really transforming into my Chat form. When Ladybug would open the door and realise it was my bathroom so all I hear is the quick rush of the door closing.

I laugh to myself quietly and suddenly hear the door close. I think she left. I open the door the tiniest bit and I look around with one eye. I don't see anyone so I open the door and glance over to my bed. I see my ring and a sticky note. I walk over and trip, I, still not used to walking after all those weeks. Seriously? I pick up the note. I read it

Dear Adrien,
Look I'm really sorry and I know that no matter how many sorry's I say won't fix the fact that I accidentally murdered. I'm super ashamed and feel a lot of regret. But you running away doesn't make me nor anyone feel better. Here, have your ring, put it on and meet me at the peak of the Eiffel Tower. I want to explain.
Marinette ❤️

I smile at the letter and put on the ring. Plagg appears and tears fill my eyes. I grab him and I'd never would have thought I'd ever miss Plagg.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but, I missed you so much!" I say, my tears disappearing.

He laughed at me and I let go of him and he falls.

"Be prepared!" I said laughing.

He frowns at me and I shout my catchphrase.


I transform quickly and begin to head to the Effiel Tower. I am still quite mad at Marinette but I need to hear her part of the story.
Kinda sucks like all my writing but vote if you love CHAT NOIR'S ABS!!!

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