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Marinette stands facing Adrien who is almost asleep on her bed.

"ADRIEN! Don't fall asleep you idiot I'm not even tired and we slept not long ago"

Marinette shouts at him but he turns away from her.

"Aye naughty kitty don't ignore me"

She warns him but he doesn't answer.

"Okay that was your last warning you jerk"

She declares before jumping onto him and tickling his sides.

Adrien's eyes widen at the sudden touch and let's out a loud squeal.


Adrien screams with gasps between words.

He grabs her waist and tickles her as well and she gives in, falling beside him laughing her head off.


She slaps his hands and he backs away with a wide smirk.

She pouts at him and rolls of the bed.

Marinette finds her phone and sits back next to Adrien who is sitting up.

She opens the ladyblog to catch up on all the days she has missed of information.

When she opens it, the same video was playing from the last she opened.

She widens her eyes and Adrien looks at her phone.

He reacts the same but soon starts speaking.

"What the heck is that?!"

Adrien asks and Marinette chuckles awkwardly.

"Just an edit Adrien don't worry"

Marinette explains and Adrien furrows his eyebrows.

"Hey that's dark cupid!"

Adrien points out and Marinette sweats nervously.

Adrien sits up straight and looks in front of him with wide eyes.

"Adrien, hello? Earth to Adrien?"

Marinette waves her hand in front of his face.

He shakes his head and stares at her.

"I, I remember!"

He answers and Marinette drops her jaw.

"You dO!?!"

Marinette places her hands on his shoulders.

"Yeah oh my gosh I tried to kill you!"

Adrien says and suddenly hugs her tight.

"No you didn't Adrien, you only tried to take my earrings"

Marinette reassures but Adrien just tightens his grip.

"That doesn't make it any better!!"

Adrien argues and Marinette sighs and pats his head.

"Forgive me princess!!"

He begs.

Marinette giggles and continues to pat his head.

"Trust me, I forgave you awhile ago"

Adrien smiles at her.

She lands a unexpected kiss on him lips and he jumps a little.

"Aha what is it?"

Marinette asks and Adrien pouts while crossing her arms.

"I wasn't ready"

Adrien frowns and lowers his head a bit.

"Okay well now you are"

Marinette states and he lifts his head up again.

Before Marinette could even lean in, Adrien makes contact, shocking Marinette this time but stays longer than Marinette.

He pulls back.

"See how it feels princess"

Adrien smirks for like the 218472 time today and she just smiles.

"I love you"

Marinette says unexpectedly.

"Stop it, too many sudden things Marinette"

"So you're not going to reply?"

She questions fake frowning.

"I love you more"

Adrien smirks once again and Marinette slaps him on the shoulder.

"You dork"

the end


So I hope you enjoyed this story guys as I don't know if I will make another one but I'll see because Miraculous and it's annoying hiatus has drained me from inspiration so I hope you all enjoyed this story!!

Katie xx

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