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I don't really know where I'm heading with this story anymore ugh! I'm thinking of finishing it soon and making a new one? Comment whether to continue or finish and make a new one!


I stroll out of the large building fashionably in case of any paparazzi and turn my head towards the petite restaurant next-door.

I gag finding Marinette in there looking lovingly into Adrien's eyes. Ew so cheesy.

"How pitiful. She thinks she got him in her grasp. Hah don't make me laugh" I talk to myself before laughing.

I walk towards the building and open the door. I put on an innocent face and skip over to their table.

Their heads are moving closer. No! Quick Chloe think fast.


This is actually happening. We've kissed before but woah this is turning very intimate. Our lips are an inch apart before a disturbingly familiar voice calls out.

"ADRIKINS" Chloe shouts while skipping all purely and jolly over to our table.

"ADRIHUN WHAT ARE YOU DOING" she asks putting her hands on her hips like she's the queen of sass.

"Um, ahh" is all Adrien can say before Chloe "accidentally" hits Adrien's drink and spills all over his white jacket.

"Oh my sorry honey, Marinette would you be a dear and grab us some tissues from the bathroom" I groan at her tone of voice and evil smirk as I stand quickly making my chair squeak loudly along the white tiles.

I storm to the black and white themed bathroom and pick a bunch of toilet paper pieces.


While Marinette leaves, Chloe sits down and puts her hands on my chest.

"Come on Adrien, you got better than her. You have better right in front of you" Chloe seductively whispers into my ear.

I stare at her in disgust and open my mouth to say something when I'm suddenly pulled by my jacket closer to her.

She forcibly puts my head near her neck and I notice a red mark painted with makeup. Before I can move I hear light sheets fall to the floor and a high pitched screech from Chloe.

I quickly back my head away from its position and turn to Marinette who looks like she just saw a ghost.

"Adrien stop, geez you're desperate" Chloe acted like she's prepared the script for a play.

"ADRIEN WHAT THE HECK!" Marinette shouts at me.

Thank goodness the restaurant is empty.

"No Marinette I didn't do that it's fake!" I shake my hands near my face before pressing my finger near the red mark and showing Marinette my thumb which is a bit red and sparkly.

"Seriously Chloe you put sparkly makeup for a fake hickey?" Marinette says with one eyebrow raised.

"Ah no what it's totally real!" Chloe loudly exclaims.

"Oh yeah Chloe because i would believe you over Adrien" Marinette remarks sarcastically.

"Well it's not like he's your boyfriend or anything" Chloe says with a huff of air.

I cough awkwardly while looking around the room whistling.

"Nice try Chloe, please leave you ruined out date" Marinette explains to her while she screams before running out crying.

We both watch her run out of the building and laugh a little to ourselves.

"Well that was fun, so wait you want this to be date?" I ask her awkwardly rubbing the back of my arm.

"Well duh, i thought that was what the plan was anyway?" Marinette questions with a slight smirk.

"Yeah it was more of a 'i should have asked but hoped for it instead' kind of date" i chuckled to myself and she stepped closer.

"Well glad this ended as a date and not a total meltdown aye?" She states laughing and i press my palms to her cheeks

I lean in to her face and put my forehead on hers

"Yeah, me too" I smile at her and look into those blue eyes planted on her face.

I look at her lips and move closer slowly closing my eyes. I try not to be the cheesy type but this one really felt magical. We pull apart slowly and connect foreheads once again.

"Thanks for everything, Adrien" She whispers and we chuckle lightly to ourselves. I grab her hand while moving my head away from hers. We walk out of the shops and back to her house.

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