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I quickly scan the room for Adrien but I suddenly hear a click. My cage begins to rise above me and escapes into the ceiling. I look over to the switch to find Adrien with his hand laying on the switch , his eyes shut. I run to him as he slowly awakens. He looks at me and slowly, a smile creeps up onto his lips and he starts speaking inaudible words to me but I shush him with my finger. He stares at me with his adorable green eyes.
"Hold on and keep fighting Adrien, I'll save us and our miraculous don't you worry" I tell him trying to sound confident and heroic when really I haven't got the slightest idea on what I should do. I look over to Hawkmoth and Felix. They don't notice I'm out of my cage yet so I still have time. I think they are arguing over something. I walk over to Adrien's wheelchair and pick it up with as much strength I have in me and give it to Adrien. He begins to struggle onto it but I grab him bridal style and seat him down. He winces at the pain of someone touching him. I place him on the chair and I get up.
"Thank you Mari, I-I....I love you" He whispers but I can tell he still means it. Hearing him say that put me in an instant shock. I smile soon afterwards, bending over and stroking his hair. He moves his hands up to my chin.
"I love you too" I say with all the confidence left inside of me. He smiles and noticeable tears making his vision slightly blurry. He suddenly pulls me closer to him. He kisses me. He KISSES ME! I can't remove the shocked expression off of my face. But I join soon after. He pulls back and I turn my head to look at the argument still in progress. I stare at him and kiss him lightly on the cheek and walk to the switch. I grab the switch bar and pull it out. This makes a loud sound and I cringe. He slowly look over and they noticed. Shoot I'm dead.
Okay I'm not DED lol but I don't know where I'm going with this. Ahh. I haven't planned anything anyway leave a comment and a vote and follow me perhaps and I'll update later and thanks guys for 500 followers like holy crap never thought I would also get like over 30k reads on this. Have I improved my writing. I hope so as I cringe reading the previous chapters. UGHH. Anyway baiii ~ Admin

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