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Adrien is now safely propped up on the bed. Thank goodness that was pretty bad. Volpina goes over to Felix and I follow her. She leans over him and bends down and picks up his hand, him still pinned to the floor she moves his hand over to me and I get the shiny ring from his finger. I walk over to Adrien and give him his ring. He looks at it expressionless. I stare sympathetically at him. His eyes start to become watery. I sit next to him. He moves his head to face me, still no speaking. He begins to cry. Sobbing into my chest I hug him. I hold him until he starts to lift his body. I feel sad for him. I'm never gonna forgive Volpina still. She may have saved me just then but Adrien can't do anything now cause of her stupid actions. She is watching us. Felix is knocked out. She removes her copies and slowly walks over to us and I stare at her. She actually looks generally sorry and guilty. She starts speaking words of guilt. Adrien and I both listen in. She is apologising for every wrong doing she has done. This kind of makes me smile. I'm finally seeing the side of Lila that I have been waiting for. She asks for forgiveness and I look at Adrien. He is too kind and says he forgives her. She walks over to passed out Felix and grabs him by the leg and jumps through the window.


I can't believe Lila actually apologised. I was not expecting this at all from her. I look at Marinette and she smiles at me. I love her smile it's the exact same smile as the girl behind the mask. How could I not see this earlier. Marinette finds me staring and quickly moves her head down and blushes violently. I stroke her hair and smile sympathetically. She looks up at me and places her head slowly onto my shoulder, closing her eyes. I stroke her head and look ahead. After a few minutes she lifts her head and gets up. She goes over to the other side of the bed and grabs her handbag. She pulls out her phone.

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