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Marinette arrives at the ambulance and lands near the building to hide and de-transform. She runs into the hospital, frantically looking around for any sigh of Adrien. After no luck she decides to asked where Adrien is at the reception. They told her where to look and she sprints down the hall, barging through the door at high speed.

She saw him laying in bed, unaccompanied. She sat on his bed and someone walks in. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize anyone was in here, are you close family?" A kind nurse asked. "No i'm more of a close friend of his, he's okay right?" asks Marinette. "Oh right, yes he will be fine, just a bit of shock made him fall unconscious. Now i must head off good bye" says the nurse before walking out of the door and closing it behind her. Marinette grabs a chair  placed near the doors and  moves it to sit next to Adrien.


It's very late at night and she found it heard to keep her eyes open. She learned over and rested her arms under her head and fell asleep. She didn't go home. Nobody realized she was in there anyway. She was sleeping peacefully until a movement beneath her head awoke her. She heard a voice whisper near her ear

"Hello Ladybug" Adrien says, ruffling her hair and yawning. Marinette lifts her head up to see Adrien seated up in bed, stretching his arms out after a large cat nap.  A wide smile forms on her face. She jumps up and shocks him with a hug. He gets out of his stretching postition and hugs her back.

"Adrien your back!"Marinette screamed, her smile almost reaching each ear on her head.

"Woah hello there, what happened?" Adrien asked.

"I will explain everything once you tell me why you fainted" Marinette says sternly, looking deeply into his eyes.

"I-I  fainted?" Adrien questions.

"Yeah and scared me so much. What do you remember from yesterday?" Marinette asks him.

"I remember walking down the hall and hearing you talk to Alya about you being ladyb.." Adrien stopped and stared for a minute.

"What was that last part?!" Marinette shouted hoping she heard wrong.

Adrien smirks at her.

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