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Adrien's P.O.V:

Marinette stares at me blankly. I asked a lot of question. Too many. "Nevermind" I say. "Sorry that was rude of me but I thought you knew about this that's all" Marinette says. I shake my head. I'm still pretty numb. A nurse comes in and sees that I'm awake so she keeps my life support on. She goes out to inform the other nurses. They bring me food instantly. I'm happy cause I'm starving. I eat everything and Marinette is still here with a big grin on her face. That smile quickly leaves. "M-Marinette?" I say nervous as I see a tear on her face. "I-it's just...yo modelling career is all ruined and all because of my weakness" she says wiping her eyes. "My modelling career?" I ask completely confused and really sorry for Marinette. "Y-you can never walk a-again!" Marinette blurts out and Crys. I sit shocked. I can never walk...ever...again...what! This can't be happening. I look over at Marinette who has collapsed on the floor crying. "Hey hey hey it wasn't your fault, please don't blame yourself that won't help me it will make me feel bad" I say offering my hand for her to stand up. She is about to reach for my hand then realised that's a bad idea since I'm hurt so she gets up herself. I move over in my hospital bed. I tap on the side of the bed and Marinette jumps in. She puts her head near chest and I hug her. "I love you Marinette, never forget that" I whisper to her and I think she is already asleep. How long has she been awake for?

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