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I sew the fastest I have ever sewn in my life. It turned out amazing. I quickly scurry to the hospital and run to the room Adrien is resting in. I open the door slowly incase he is sleeping. I look at the bed and he is gone. He is out of bed? Then I notice a bundle of nurses around something and I walk closer and see Adrien, sitting down. I'm super confused. I walk to him and the nurses back away as they have finished helping him into a...wheelchair? I smile because he can move now. I walk up to him and he faces me and a smile pastes on his face. I'm glad he is happy to see me.


I see Marinette smiling at me. I'm glad she is happy to see me. I smile back and she begins to talk to me. "How's the new wheelchair going" she is still smiling.
"Still getting used to sitting down for so long but I think I'll be fine" I answer her positively.
She smiles and stares. All of a sudden she jumps like she forgot about something. She grabs the black jacket over her shoulder and shows it to me. I stare amazed. Did she make this...for me. "I don't know what to say I-"
"TRY IT!" She screams her smile much larger.
I put it on and pull over the hoodie and spring the ears on the top of it. I love it. It looks much like my suit but better. It has ears on the top with a suit design and a large zip. There are gloves by the sleeves and pockets at the bottom. It's so warm in this as it's still raining outside. After I stop observing it on my body I look at her and she is eagerly waiting an answer.
"I love it" short and simple.
She smiles and bends down and hugs me. I embrace her back. I couldn't love anyone more.

HEY GUYS! I'm soooooooooo sorry I haven't written in like forever I just have soooo much to do like musical that I have tonight and studying and assignments and editing videos which you can check out on my Instagram @adrienette_always. ILY GUYS STAY MIRACULOUS FRENS! ~ KATIE!

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