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With the flash of a bright grewn light and suddenly Chat Noir has appeared in front of Marinette and she nearly flipped.

"Y-YOU'RE CHAT NOIR!!" Marinette shouts in a terrified tone.

Adrien blushed and sat back down on the bed. Marinette's brain suddenly began flowing with flashbacks that she's hardly breathing.

"Uh uh UH!" Marinette stumbles her words shaking.

"Marinette? Are you okay?!" Adrien questions really confused.

Marinette snaps out of her daydream and stares at Adrien, still in his Chat Noir form.

"I-I KISSED YOU!" Marinette shouts unexpectedly before covering her mouth quickly.

"Huh?" Adrian raises an eyebrow, confused.

"What oh NOTHING!" Marinette said waving her hands in front of her face.

"Hehe i better get going now" Marinette says getting up.

She started to speed walk out of there until a touch of soft leather on her hand made her stop in her tracks.

"Marinette, wait!" Adrien questions.

Marinette turned around and Adrien stepped forward and leaned towards her.

"Adrien?" Marinette shakes nervous.

Adrien put one hand on her chin and pulled her head closer to his.

"You're ladybug, that makes me happy" Adrien whispers into her ear and kisses her.

Marinette widen her eyes. She is annoyed, very annoyed.

Once adrien pulls back a tear slowly rolls down her cheek.

Adrien sees her crying.

"Marinette what's wrong?"

Adrien questions, touching her shoulder.

Marinette slaps his hand off her shoulder.

"MARINETTE?" Adrien raises an eyebrow at the sudden agressive movement.

"It's- it's just, you never liked me as me, you like-you like me as Ladybug!"

Marinette cries running out the door of the room and out of the hospital. "Marinette WAIT!" Adrien says, running after her away from where he should stay.

Marinette keeps running even though the flashes of all the reporters cameras are blinding her.

"MARINETTE STOP! PLEASE I WANT TO TALK TO YOU!" Adrien runs out of the hospital and the reporters pause and start asking him questions.

He forgot he was still Chat Noir.

He detransforms in front of the cameras but he doesn't care at this moment, he just needs to talk to Marinette.

He finds Marinette sitting on her porch in a ball.

"Marinette please! Listen to me"

Adrien asks sitting next to Marinette. Marinette moves over a bit and looks up.

Red stained cheeks covered her face as she tries to talk but nothing comes out.

Adrien puts his finger on her lips to stop her and smiles.

"Marinette please listen, i never said anything like that! Please don't jump to conclusions!"

Adrien says giving a warm smile to cheer her up.

Marinette looked at him and his beautiful smile.

She remembers the first day they properly met, at the front of the school.

"Y-you know i still have your umbrella that you gave me the first day we met, i was meaning to give it back but-"

"keep it, i think you need it more than me"

Adrien chuckles.

"Aye! Dont be mean"

Marinette says nudging him in the arm, laughing.

They both laugh.

Suddenly, they both jump as they hear a large bang in the distance
Hey guys, Long chapter, i didn't know where to end it haha anyway hope you enjoy, a bit of this (a tiny bit) came to me as i am watching fairytail while writing this, I LOVE IT SO MUCH <3 anyway hope you like it! ~ katie xx

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