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Marinette's P.O.V:

I awake with a sharp pain in the left side of my head. I slowly lift my head to look around but can't see much from the moonlight in through a small window. I here late birds chirping and nothing else. It's the kind of atmosphere that I want to lay back down and sleep again but I can't as I need to know what is happening. I'm cold and bare with ripped clothes. I feel my way around and touch a familiarly warm hand. I intertwine my fingers with the hand I trace to the head from the hand. ITS ADRIEN! I rush closer to his head and lean down closer to his face.
"Adrien? ADRIEN!"
I scream but soon quieted down by the soft touch of a finger near my dry lips.
"Shh it's okay I'm fine just got a bit of a headache I was just resting as I can't move, do you know where we are?"
Adrien soft voice calms me 100x more and I sigh.
"I can't see a lot so I think we should wait till morning to investigate I don't want to trip and hurt you or anything"
I explain and sit up.
"Well you looked exhausted come here"
He pulls me into a hug and he releases and I lay on his chest. His heart beat is slow and steady and not too distracting as I fall asleep soon after.
Guys I would absolutely love it if you sent some love to my other account I recently made @lesterpilots ! Go read my Fanfiction on their it's called "anonymous//phan" and give it a vote and leave a comment anyway hope you enjoyed this cute little chill chapter :)) baii

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