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It's the morning of Saturday and I lay on my bed thinking intensely

A knock beckons from my floor door vibrates the room. I open to see Alya and I immediately know what to ask her.

She walks in and we hug then I go into serious mode. "Alya why did you never show me this" I said sternly as I showed her the video.

"Oh because I didn't want you deleting it until it was safely posted and then I forgot to show you but can you believe it it's like a real life OTP it's amazing" fangirls Alya swiftly grabbing her phone from her pocket.

"You-you ship it?" I asked nervously.

"Of course everyone does even Adrien! I praise it!" Shouts Alya.

I gasp as I realise everyone has seen that video, EVEN ADRIEN!

"Why so shocked girl I thought you did too?" Alya says looking very confused.

"Oh it's nothing I totally do! I worship it!" I giggle nervously as i tug on the collar of my shirt for the intense heat building up to escape.

"Oh yeah what's their ship name?" Smirks Alya.

"Umm ahh.. Lady...noir?" I stutter, knowing I was completely off.

"Oh so you really do, good job you can stil be classified as my friend. nah just kidding" chuckles Alya as she playfully punches me before we sit down.

Alya realised this pink covered diary looking thing and picks it up.

"What's this girl?" She questions raising an eyebrow.

I look over at her and jump at her.

"ahh nothing" I reach for the diary, but to no prevail.

"Girl any secret should be shared with ya bestie and besides I already know all your secrets" Alya sasses out of her mouth before opening the book.

"Not all of them!" I scramble over to Alya, trying to grab the book from her in the process.

"What! well let me read a passage" she clear her through before opening her mouth to begin a lecture or something.

"Today was great fun working with Chat Noir to defeat the Evillustrator, other than his usual cat puns and charm he was a pretty great companion today!" Alya read out loud and gasps loudly.

"Girl what is this....

THE SECRET VIDEO [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now