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"Umm...Ahhh..." i start to shake.

"GIRL!! ARE YOU LADYBU- NO THATS IMPOSSIBLE! ITS NOT POSSIBLE IS IT!?" Alya shouts at me making my trembling worse.

"i was going to tell you eventually but i had to keep it a secret, you seemed to like your ladyblog and everything so i didn't want to spoil it and Tikki wanted to keep it a secret and...i'm babbling again"I shrugged and slumped flopping onto my bed with a heavy sigh.

"It's no worth explaining" i say then look up at Alya and she has a complete shocked look on her face.

Not very long after, she sat next to me Tikki came out and sat next to me and Alya's mouth gaped 10 times wider. "WHAT - WHAT THE ACTUAL CRAP IS T-THAT!" pointing at tikki, other hand covering her mouth. "It's my kwami...well ladybug's kwami but i'm ladybug so...my kwami Tikki" i tried my best explaining but i think i just exploded my own mind. "Oh...IM FREAKING OUT...I HAVE FREAKIN HUGGED LADYBUG I...IM BESTIES WITH LADYBUG...I...CHLOE LITERALLY WORSHIPS YOU!" Alya screamed at the top of her lungs. "Yeah weird huh" i tried to act calm so maybe Alya could settle down a bit but lets just say i tried my hardest. "Y-YOU SAVED ME...BUT YOUR SO AWKWARD HOW WERE YOU CHOSEN? HOW DID YOU GET YOUR MIRACULOUS? WHERE DID YOU GET THIS FAIRY THING?" Alya cries touching Tikki's head. "AHAHA THAT TICKLES!" Tikki laughs laying on her back waving her legs in the air in laughter. "AHH WAS THAT MY IMAGINATION OR DID IT JUST TALK...I NEED COFFEE!" Alya says fainting to the fall LITERALLY. "ALYA! ALYA GET UP!" I screamed running over to the fall and leant over her waiting for her to wake up. I didn't want to get my parents cause they would ask why and i'm not explaining everything over again. She eventually woke up and forgetting about the previous events. She checked her phone, it was quite late so she decided to leave but i think she remembered half way home cause i heard a small squeal down the street. I lay on my bed sighing again. "Well big day, hopefully its not too bad tomorrow". i was wrong it could only get worse from here.

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