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With my arm wrapped around her waist, we sit on a dark roof thinking silently.

"I think we should approach them Mari, we can't sit here forever" I explain, tightening my grip around her.

"But that's the thing, i wish we could sit here forever" She says between small sobs.

I pulled her closer and wrapped my other arm around her to bring her into a hug. She does the same before burying her head in the curve of my neck. Her body is raising with quick moments, she's crying quite a bit now.

After releasing from each others grip, we both nod at each other and get up. We both know what were going to do, we don't need to discuss.

We arrive at the scene and run into Sabrina's Dad.

"Hello Officer, may we be of any help?" Ladybug asks politely but he just shakes his head.

"Leave it to the professionals please, anyway we aren't saving anyone, were investigating" His words sends shivers down your spine.

"O-okay sir, s-sorry" She stutters before turning around and running.

I mouthed 'sorry' before running towards Marinette. She's crying again, from guilt i suppose. I can't blame her of course. I sit beside her again.

"It's okay Mari, please stay strong, Paris still needs you" I say it and mean it.

She stands up again and begins walking back to the crowd of police and flashing lights. I follow her with quick steps.


I walk through the bundle of people and under the police tape. I hear two men calling after me but stop by the voice of Chat.

"Let her go, she needs to go, she has unfinished business" Chat explains.

I smile because he's protecting me. I walk through the large doors and long halls to arrive at the elevator. The house is very dark but i make my way through without stumbling over any random objects, surprisingly.

As the elevator rises, i'm scared of what i will see. When i hear the familiar bell sound the doors open and i step out. I find very few policemen and a body bag. I feel like fainting.

I walk up to the men and begin talking.

"Hello sirs, can i explain something to you?" You ask.

They turn their head before nodding i unison.

"Please hear me out..." I explain everything with big description and hand movements.

After i finish, they look up from their notepads and stare at each other. If a man in a suit that posses people with butterflies is hard to believe, this should be easy enough.

They stare back at me and nod.

"Thank you Ladybug for admitting your murder. There is no real way to arrest you as you clearly didn't kill the man, but we still will have to take it to court" One of the men respond before walking over to the elevator to tell the others. I sit in the dark room without the lights the policemen were using and sigh.

I suddenly feel a peck on my cheek and the words "You did it"






Almost DONE! i think i will write another story after this but enjoy you chat trashcans! [THATS GONNA BE WHAT I CALL YOU FOR THE REST OF THE BOOK LOL IM A GENIUS]

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