Chapter 2: First Date!

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Your POV:

You were beyond excited by now. Kiri-chan (as you were allowed to call him) had asked you out on a date! You were so excited that you decided to go shopping five hours in advanced just to find the perfect outfit. You decided to go while he was asleep, because you didn't want him to see your new outfit just yet.

As you snuck into a tailoring shop, you seen a very rare tight leather pants. You smiled and blushed and added that into your basket. You then seen a nice white knitted sweater and bought those two things. You then went back to Kiri-chan's house and started getting ready.

-5 Hours Later-

No One's POV:

Kirito had just waken up from his nap and stretched. He had sat up and yawned then seen it was 5 'o clock. He cursed and then rushed to take a quick shower and wear nice clothing.

When he was finished seen (y/n) dressed in white. His breath hitched as he blushed at the georgeous specimen in front of him.

(Y/n) blushed seeing as he had caught Kiri-chan staring. He cleared his throat and then smiled.
"So...shall we go?"
He asked fiddling with his small fingers as he looked down. Kirito only nodded, a small grin on his face as he wrapped his arms slyly around the others slim waist. He then led the way to where they were going to eat.

When they reached a fine dining restaurant, Kirito was a perfect gentlemen. He pulled the chair out for (y/n) and then smirked seeing how those tight pants made his (y/n)'s bubble butt look. He then proceeded to sit across from him.

After they ordered they were laughing and smiling, having a good time really and then their food came. They exchanged bites of their food with each other, they even held each others hands. Both of them felt like it was the best night of their lives.

After the dinner date, Kirito held (y/n)'s hand and smiled a genuine one. He took his time to admire the angelic looking boy to the side of him. How his features were illuminated by the moon and how he seemed to sparkle. Kirito then pulled the other into a hug and kissed him.

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