Chapter 29: Kayaba Akihiko and The Final Showdown

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Picture of your babies. Suprise! You have twins!


Kirito's POV:

The day of the battle was finally here; it was also the day of (y/n)'s labor. I was more nervous than ever and it showed. I didn't eat, or talk. It was when (Y/n) came to me with wide eyed that I looked at him.

"What's wrong my love?," I asked and sat him on my lap.

He only started to cry.

"I got an urgent message from Heathcliff. He says all guild members need to attend this last guild raid before you're scheduled to fight," he sniffled and nuzzled me.

I only sent wide eyed, he can't go on the raid! He's almost ready to give birth too! I was beyond angry, but I sighed. I nodded and then told my beloved to change into his battle gear.


Half an hour later, we were ready and headed off to meet up with the guild. Our sojourn ended when I seen Egil. I walked to him, (Y/n) close to my side, and greeted him. As soon as we got there, Heathcliff walked out and then greeted the guild. He explained to us about the boss we were gonna fight and we all started to head to the dungeon.


Reaching the dungeon, we cleared through everything until we reached the final boss. When we reached the boss monster, it was quiet. The boss spawned showed us that it'll take Half an hour until in respawned, so Heathcliff allowed us a much needed break.

"How's the baby doing?," I asked (Y/n).

He only smiled and rubbing his belly.

"Kicking up a storm, but doing great nonetheless. I'm a little scared to give birth," he sighed and shook a bit.

I pulled my beautiful (Y/n) into my arm and kissed him. We got a few wolf whistles from guild members, but we brushed it off and held each other. We were given healing potions from the guild doctors, as we only had five more minutes until the boss spawned.

"Okay everyone. Quickly take your potions and get ready, the boss spawns in four minutes and twentey seven seconds," Heathcliff announced.

I wasted no time in replenishing my health and even helped my husband do the same. When we were fully recovered in health points, I unsheathed my two swords and stood in my battle stance.

As soon as the timer hit zero, we all watched as the lights dim. The boss spawned in and it shook the battle grounds with its mighty roar. Our guild held their positions, but some cowered away. Heathcliff lead us in and charged at the beast.

"My love, cover my back," I asked.

He nodded and grabbed his staff, following me in pursuit. I rushed up to the boss with my duel wield swords and gave him a massive wound. His roar of pain made my ears ring, but it made me smirk seeing his HP drop a considerable amount.

"My love...go back to Klein," I instructed.

"B-but what about you?," he asked worriedly.

I only looked at him and shopped my head. After seeing my expression, he went wide eyed and nodded. The reason I told him to go back was because the boss's HP started to regenerate and I didn't want him to get hurt.

"Heathcliff, this boss is difficult to beat. Somehow, he regenerates his HP," I said while the boss roared.

Heathcliff only huffed and nodded.

"It would seem so. Kirito, go and see what it is that is helping him to regenerate," leader-sama said.

I nodded and then ran around him using one of my stealth moves. After my quick observation, I seen he was in some sort of healing circle, so no matter how many times we got him he would only heal. It then dawned into me that we need to get him out of that circle, so he could take damage.

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