Chapter 12: Behold The Truth Part 2

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Your POV:

You heard a noise downstairs and got up quietly to try and find out what it was. You peeked from the side of a wall and seen four strange men in the house, one of them carrying Yui. You were about to go and get her from them but, Asuna came in and stood in front of the men.

"Kill the brat and (y/n)...leave Kirito to me...I'll make him get me pregnant and then...I'll give you what you want", you heard her say.

You knew you shouldn't have trusted her. She was just a major phony. Hearing what she said, you seen three of the four strong looking men start to head up to where you and Kirito were. So, you ran quietly to the room and closed the door. You locked it and then went to Kirito.

"K-kirito...wake up...please..", you whispered while shaking him.

But he didn't wake up. You then remembered seeing Asuna slip something into his drink. You gasped realizing she has drugged him. You really didn't like her anymore. When heavy footsteps were neary-by, you grunted and picked up one of Kiritos arms, then jumped out the window.


You ran as fast as you could, the men behind you. You just continued to run until you were in the teleporter. You whispered where you wanted to go and then the men were in with you. When it finished teleporting, all of you were in the games prison. You all were surrounded by police officers pointing their blades at all five of you. You could only smirk.

"Cousin! It's me (y/n)! These men were trying to hurt me!", You said like a damsel.

Since your cousin was the chief of this army forces, you were protected. Your cousin closed the teleportation device, grabbed the men and set chains around their wrists. You told him what was happening and he went wide eyed.

" mean...Asuna...THE Yuki Asuna? She's trying to take your man?!", he screamed in his private office.

You only looked at him.

"Umm...I wouldn't say he's m-"

"Yeah she is..", you were interrupted.

You looked to the voice of the speaker and seen it was Kirito. He looked at you and smiled gently, then looked back to your cousin.

"I knew she would do this...all She wants is for me to join her in a guild as her that I can share with their the spoils of the battle when we win...she also wants to have children with me...but I keep denying her because she sleeps around a lot", he explained.

"And it's because I'm a Beta I know all the weakest points in all of the bosses...and I analyze my situation quickly", he said.

" can what you say...Beta tester?", he asked sternly.

For some reason you remembered your cousin...but not Kirito. You felt so lost.

"K-kirito...what am I to you?", you asked cautiously.

"You're my fiance...", he looked at you with those truthful eyes.

You only crumbled and then felt the urge to hug him. Before you could do anything though...he pulled you into a hug. You blushed and then hugged him back. All my memories came fluttering back to you and then you pushed him away.

"W-why didn't you come after us when we left? I waited for our old apartment...thinking that you'll come...but you didn't...why?", you asked on the verge of tears.

"I didn't go after you..because...Asuna threatened to kill you if I did...and when I heard her say that she sent "The Laughing Coffin" members after whole world shattered...", he said looking down.

Your eyes went wide. Asuna was the one who sent those rape you...and beat you up...she was the one who did that. You remembered her whispering something about her plan working and grew furious. That b¡tch will pay! You then recollected that she has Yui and turned to Kirito looking at him.

"T-they have Yui...we have to go and get her...", you said looking at him worriedly.

Your cousin cleared his throat and smiled.

"If you need any help...I'll be of service", he bowed a little.

You only smiled back at him and hugged him. He is an awesome cousin. You then looked at Kirito and sighed, you remembered him. You smiled a little and then kissed him gently. The kiss was long because it was surely missed; the  kiss was slow and loving overall, there was no lustful advances.

When he parted, the both of you rested your foreheads against each other's and gazed lovingly in one another's eyes. You had finally felt whole. But, a longing still set in your heart. You knew the missing puzzle piece: Yui. She was your family now...and you were going to fight to get her.

Before leaving, you spoke to your cousin privately and set up a plan. You were gonna make the slüt pay
(A/n: *Insert evil smirk* Bwahahahahaaaaa)

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