Chapter 5: Love Me~

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(Also the pic is the lace garter that you will wear in the smut scene ehehe >;D)

As the both of you walked hand in hand to the house buyer, Kirito kept looking at one house in particular located on the 22nd floor. When you went to look at it, you were taken back at how beautiful it was. The lush green forest that surrounded a house with a lake out front. That's what you always looked for in a place to live in. Finally agreeing on that place, you and Kirito walked towards the cashier and when the both of you told him on what house you decided on, his eyes widened.

"How much is it for us to buy the entire property for sale on the 22nd floor sir?"
You asked using charm.

"Um...that'll be...100,000,000,000 C-col....."
He stuttered. When you heard that you nearly fell backwards, but when you looked towards Kirito...he was calm.

"We'll take it"
And with that you both bought the house. After using the teleportation device to get to the 22nd floor, you immediately started to feel calm at the beautiful scenery. You reached the house in the nick of time and settled in with each other. When things were settled, you started to cook dinner for the both of you. You were utilizing the S class meat Kirito caught by making a stew.

After dinner was eaten, the dishes washed and your bodies were satisfied and decided to celebrate on getting the house. You told Kirito to meet you in the master bedroom after you "prepared" his special treat for him; to which you got a smirk and a nod.

When you walked upstairs to the bedroom, you were surprised to see that Kirito had only a towel around his waist; indicating he just had came out the shower. You knocked gently against the slightly open door and then turned red as he looked over at you with a sexy smile. You walked into the room, showing off the white lace garter you put on for Kiritos surprise. Since you had a curvy body and had a bubble but, you made it look seductive and sensual. Seeing as Kiritos first reaction was you guessed it; a boner, you laid on the bed and spread your legs wide open to tease him.


Kiritos POV:

When my (y/n) came walking into the door with that sexy get up...I
knew what he wanted to do. While watching his every subtle moves, I had gotten an erection. Just thinking about taking it had my 12" member wanting to be buried in him. When he got to the bed, I hovered over him and took his plump lips into mine. This sensation felt so right and felt so good I just had to pull him closer. My body began to get a little rough as we were making out. I nibbled on his lips and earned a moan, to which I took advantage of and stuck my tongue into his mouth.

My hands roamed every inch oh his bare chest. His smooth and hairless skin was driving me insane. Pulling away from the kiss, I hovered over him again to see what I made his body look like. He looked absolutely beautiful. His flustered cheeks made it even better. I then let my hands touch his chest and tweak a pink nipple. His moan made me even more excited and yearn for so much more.

I took off the garter he wore and smirked seeing his small hardened member was twitching and dripping wet for me. When I lifted and spreaded his legs wider in the air, his visible and puckered hole clenched and unclenched. The sight of his right hole had me groaning. I then pulled his hips up and made it so his anus was in my sights. I looked at him and dipped my head down to taste his sweets. When my tongue glided smoothly around the tight ring of his hole, he shuddered and squirmed a little. I knew this was all new to him, it was my first time also.

When I thought my fingers in his mouth was lubed enough, I slowly and gently stuck a digit pass his tight ring. His body shuddering and his moaning had me on edge. I pushed all the way in until my finger was knuckle deep. I wriggled it around and felt him tighten around me.

"Dont tighten up so much (y/n) or we won't be able to continue~"
I cooed to him, hoping he would get the message. When he loosened around my finger I began to thrust it in and out of him at a slow yet quick pace. I added in two more fingers into him and I heard him moan loudly. I smirked having been he was stuffed with three long fingers.

When I deemed his hole worthy of being stretched, I removed him. His small little whimper made me chuckle a bit but I still continued to tease him. My foot long buddy sprung up after I dropped the towel. I seen his eyes lock onto it and with a low growl, I made him shiver. The tip of mini Kirito rubbed against my angels entrance earning another moan for me. Then, I started to push into him slowly. I stopped halfway inside of him so he could adjust to my enourmous size. The scanners didn't get it wrong either ;D. I looked at him for reassurance and seen a small nod. I pushed the rest in and groaned at his heat and tightness.

I waited a few more seconds and began to pound mercilessly into my vixen. Seeing his eyes cloud with pleasure made me smirk and the naughty sloshing sounds his hole was making only seemed to excite me more. I paused for a minute to catch my breath and to change our positions a bit. I flipped (y/n) around so he was on all fours. I then started to pound into him again. My goodness, he felt so good to be in.


Your POV:

As Kiritos lengthy member made its way deeper into you, you couldn't help but let out moans. Even drool started to escape from your mouth. Your grip on the bed sheets were futile as the pleasure rippled throughout your body. When he changed positions again, you found yourself in cow boy position. He bucked his hips and that was enough to see stars. You couldn't help but bounce up and down as he plunged right into your prostate. You couldn't comprehend anything, all you knew was that it was making you see stars.

All of a sudden you back to the first position you started in and he mercilessly thrusted in and out of you. Your moans greww louder and then they grew even louder in volume as he started to stroke your weeping member in times with his thrusts. You felt this knot well up inside your abdomen and you nothing of orgasming, just that you felt something coming.

With three final, yet powerful thrusts; Kirito growled and kissed you while he flooded your insides with his essence. You were in a white haze and felt your member errupt with your own warm substance. Then the both of you were left panting. However, he sat up, kissed you, then pulled you close to his body.

The both of you fell asleep cuddled close to each other. This activity was like a vow to the both of you. A vow that signified that the both of you are officially a couple.

(yay! So how was it guys! It's 1304 words! Hehehehe and the pic though...I saved it to my phone...will update slowly...I have a busy schedule..byee!)

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