Chapter 14: Family Reunion And A Tragedy

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Your POV:

Seeing that Yui was on the ground and bleeding out, you cried. She was only a little girl and she got killed. This was your family reunion. You finally remembered everything and yet another obstacle stood in your way: Yuki Asuna.

You were furious. You decided to head butt her crazy boyfriend and knee him in his jewels. When you got free, you conjured your staff and put up a protective forcefield around you, Kirito and Yui.

You seen Kirito give her healing potions, but nothing was working. It then occired to you that you both lost your daughter. You cried into Kirito's arms and wailed. Your family wasn't complete without her and now it was breaking apart.

When nothing seemed to work, your hopes crumbled. She disappeared and disintegrated into the air. You and Kirito cried and sniffled.

You heard sparks and crashing from outside your little bubble. You seen Asuna using her special rapier move to try and break you force field. You only ignored her because you maxed out all of you magic and was one of the only players reach 100 levels.

You grabbed your gold and purple staff and tapped the bubble with the amethyst jewel on the top. The bunnled then wrapped around Asuna and the ugly man. They were then teleported into prison and chained.


You and Kirito decided to make a bed of flowers in memory of your sweet daughter. You carved her name into a stone and beautifully arranged the flowers around it.

When you both were finished, you held hands and started to walk to the teleporter.

Just before you were going to call out the name of the 22nd level, a ball of light came from the sky. A ray of light surrounded it and almost blinded you.

"K-kirito...what is it?", you asked a bit scared.

"I dont know...but prepare your weapon", he said cautiously.

You both got in a battle stance. You were a bit nervous and tired of all the obstacles...what were you gonna have to do to get your life and love.

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