Chapter 8: The Fishing Reward (part#1)

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Your POV:

This morning was a little bit of a hastle for you. You were making 20 jalapeno poppers as a snack for a planned fishing trip. It was a secret but your friend and her husband had invited you. You agreed and also decided to pack food just in case. You were making onigiri, fried chicken, tamagoyaki, potato salad, fruit salad and finally shrimp and veggie kabobs. You smiled finishing with a pint of hot green and mint tea.

You quickly finished up cleaning around and doing laundry. You then went to you and Kiritos shared room and then giggled at the cutest sight ever. Kirito and Yui were cuddled up together and they were both snoring. You then walked over and kissed the both of their heads.

"Wake up my loves...we have a planned day ahead...I also made's cinnamon buns and hot cocoa", and in an instant, the both of them shot up. I quickly made my way towards the kitchen to pull the buns out of the oven and to fill up three cups of hot cocoa since it was a bit cold out. I added the finishing touch on the buns and drizzled then with the icing (haha that sounded dirty). When finished, I platted them and set the cocoa next to the plates.

And right on time Kirito and Yui came in with a smile. They sat on the chair at the counter and ate. They were so cute.

When all was done and packed. You, Kirito and Yui made your way to where your friend and her husband said was a good fishing spot. When you reached there, they greeted you with smiles on their faces and waving hands. You quickly set the basket of food next to a pull up chair and hug Mai and her husband Danny. You also introduced Kirito and Yui.

After setting up the tents and making an area for a camp fire, you checked the time and seen it was 12 on the dot. You quickly brought out the bento you made and shared with everyone there. After eating and resting for a bit, Danny decided that now was the perfect time to go fishing for dinner. Kirito followed him, while you, Yui and Mai stayed behind to gather berries, water and wood for the fire.


Kirito's POV:

When me and Danny left the "girls", we came up to a beautiful and serene lake. With our fishing poles at hand, we baited our hooks and casted a line in the water. The worst thing about fishing was the waiting game the fish played with you. It was boring and tiring. But then Danny tapped my shoulder and I looked at him while yawning.

"Hey wanna know something?" He asked smirking a little.

"Sure...depends on what it is though" I replied wiping the years from my eyes.

"I'm gay...I like guys"

"What?!" I whisper/yelled.

"Does Mai know?

"Well duh...Mai is a guy...he just looks like a girl...but everything else is male.."
He chuckled and felt a tugging on his pole so he began to reel it in.

My thoughts quickly shifted to my pile feeling it tug also and that's how a battle started. I pulled and reeled so long I started to sweat. When I finally felt that I had it my line snagged and the fish seam away. While Danny pulled in a large fish, I pulled in nothing. I was left a sighing and disappointed mess.

"Try not to think about it probably got "the big one" he said making quotation marks with his fingers.

"What's the "big one?"
You asked mimicking him.

"Well...there's a legend to this these very waters there lives a fish God. He's the biggest one out of all of them and is said to even survive out of water"

"Wow...Now I feel like it's my duty to catch him."

"Well you better do it's about to be nightfall"

When he said that he had already started to pack up his catch and the rods and was waiting for me by the trail. I sighed and did he came following him back to our spouses. When we reached there, Danny gave Mai the fish and he put a stick through them (after cleaning them) and let them roast by the fire, turning it over every 10 minutes to cook evenly.

When dinner was finished and everyone's stomachs were full from the good food, Mai and Danny retired to their tents. Me and (y/n) decided to enjoy our time by the warm fire. Little tho was already asleep so my lover put her in the tent to rest. When he came back He straddled me and smiled.

"I love you Kirito...with all of my heart"

"I love you too (y/n)...with all of my body, soul and heart."
We both shared a love filled kiss and then decided to call it a night. For some reason I kept thinking of the story Danny told me about the lake. And I couldn't help but ponder on it until I fell asleep.

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